Chapter one act two

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I was in my bedroom a few weeks after Christmas it was now 2019 and my magic was going crazy as I hadn't used it in a long time.. my mates didn't know I was the daughter of Poseidon goddaughter of Hades and Persephone and Niece to Zeus and they didn't know I had powers... I sighed deciding to grab my skates and a book to practice ice skating my talent being a demigod of water and the ability to control ice from My godmother I was more comfortable in water I walked out of my room since my mates were in a meeting I kept my guard up not wanting to tell them yet.
I walk to the gym and ask Friday "Can u get a pool of water for me?" The water appeared in the gym it was in the ground and I knew it was safe so I bent down my eyes glowing blue as I froze the water I sighed in relief feeling my powers as I strapped my ice skates on I hummed as I got on the ice I grab my book and started skating my hand goes out as I spin Hard and fast I smiled and duck low before I do a quick jump and spin as we landed I pocket my book and focused on my skills I duck low again and do a fast figure eight I smiled feeling free for the first time since coming to the tower... I had to hold back a lot of my skills well working for my mates which of course I still do but I had taken up another online job I worked with demigoddess teaching them how to learn their powers
I smiled as I spun again before walking off the ice and taking my skates off I waved my hand over the pool and it vanished I smiled sighing in relief "I wonder if I can go out... Hey Friday! Can u text Tony and ask if I can go out for a few hours?" Tony's voice came over the speaker 'Hey darling, yes u can go out for a bit we will be done in a few hours so take ur time. Take my card too if u wish' I sighed and smiled softly at the camera I knew The gym had outside so nobody could see me before I walked out I went upstairs again and hummed I got to my room and grabbed my bag I sighed as I pocketed my knife pepper spray and grab a few spicy books to read well I was teaching the kids and they were doing their work so I smile as I head to the beach where we met every evening and I see the kids I smile "hello kiddos! Are u ready to learn?" they cheer excitedly and so I start with my family first Grace daughter of Hades and Persephone Nico The son of Hades and Persephone Percy son of Poseidon my half brother And Thala daughter of Zeus. They were the ones we focused on the most as the other professors taught the rest I taught the kids and then let them practice on their own I glanced up as I saw their parents coming to collect them I curstied to half of them shaking the hand of my father as we had a very weird relationship I smile at Hades and Persephone before hugging the kids goodbye and I decide to read at a cafe I head into My favourite cafe and smiled at Rosemarie The girl who worked here "Hey rose" I greeted and she said "hello Cassie! How are u today? Ur usual?" I smiled "Sure And I'm ok been busy with work lately.. Ya know the usual" She smiled n said, "u still hiding?" She said sadly "unfortunely yea... nobody can know her.." her eyes softened and she passed me my drink I sat down and drank it well working on a song Rose smiled at me and I sighed as I got a call by now I had been out for 4 Hours so it may be Natasha or wanda
I answered n said "Mmm?" in the most boring tone
I heard the voice and smiled it was wanda 'Well darling could sound a bit Happy about me calling yeah! We have done the meeting so u can come back ifUh like.."
I hesitated "uh sure.. I guess.." I didn't want to go back., but I had Rose "Let me say bye to rose and Finny then I'm On my way" I hung up before she had a chance to respond I smiled softly at Rose and hugged her before going over to the elder Husky and kissing his head... Why was this dog special? Easily... I trained him and now he is 19...
I got up and paid Rose before packing everything up and going to the tower... It will never be my home., my home is with my family...
As I arrive home I go upstairs and sigh smiling softly
"Right. we got some work today.. Now the schedule is ok.. ugh.....k Nope. That won't do... Meeting with.. Hammer sure.." I say planning my schedule out in my head and the doors open I mindlessly walk out... "Gods.. Why the fiddlestick ... Does this have to be hard... I want to go home" I muttered sadly before hearing  a throat clear I jumped not noticing I had run onto the couch instinctively I pulled out my pocket knife and then saw Clint looking very amused
"For the love of my Grandfather who tried to kill me DO NOT  SNEAK UP ON MEEE.." I laughed
"Hi Pietro! Hi Tony! Hi Bucky! Hi Loki! Hi Thor! Hi Wanda! Hi Natasha! Hi Peter!" I say jumping up and down excitedly
peter points at me n says "Who gave her sugar?"
"ohh no one gave me sugar silly!"
"I miss mama" I whined and Wanda  said, "Who is ur, mama?"
"she is a super cool spy! I can't tell u her name so shh"
pepper walks in n says "Cass did u have ur coffee again?"
"no?" I lied and she chuckled amusedly and said "U know u can't have coffee unless u dying!"
"mate How tf do u expect me to deal with a. Two gods b. A cocky billionaire. 3. A soldier that Is so hot.. 4. Two assains that can probably best my uncle in a fight. 5. A witch with cool powers and her brother who can go ZOOOOOOOOOOOM. And 6. A spider man"
pepper said, "Haha yeah yeah I know how is Finn?"
my eyes turn sad "he's leaving soon..." Her eyes softened and she said, "u have the day off to be with him tomorrow.."
"hey, pepper do you wanna know a secret?"
she raised an eyebrow n said, "What is ur secret?"
"I haven't had sex since PietrOoo?"
"Oh, and I can do super fight moves!" I punched a wall and then whined "Ow ow ow"
Pepper said, "Aww is that so My sweetie ok how about u go up with Wanda and Natasha And go do fancy shit with them yeah?" I smiled childlike "Nahh" I bolted off
pepper said "Good luck."
3 hours later
by now I had come out of my kid phase and I was hiding in the vents sneaking around I heard a groan and glanced down as I saw Clint. I smirked and at that time he looked up and said "I know u there love" I blushed at the nickname and he opened the vent coming up I Backed away to make room and he pulled me closer I kissed his head and said, "Still looking for me huh?" I asked teasing my mate with  a cheeky smile  "yeah By the way what was that?"
"I never had a childhood so whenever I get excited or hide my emotions for too long I go into a kid headspace making me more kid like.." he smiled sadly at me and I heard a fight downstairs I quickly jumped from the vents and ran to the lounge where I see everybody pointing weapons at my uncle... "Uncle Hades what are u doing here?" I say suddenly worried he says "Need ur help can u tell the mortals to put their weapons down please they're scary?" "Uncle.. u are the king of the underworld and u scared of a gun?" I raised an eyebrow
hades Said "Happy birth-"
"SHHHHHHH" I silence him quickly and he tilts his head
"No that's my mWee u asshat!" He chuckles n says "we need to go.." my face drops all eyes turn to me and tears well in my eyes.. "it's time isn't it?" He nods sadly and I smile sadly at him before sighing as I pull my bag closer I grab my presents for my mates I sigh sadly my heart breaking
I go up to Natasha first "Keep in contact with Yelena.." I mutter to her as I slide a necklace around her neck I kiss her gently before pulling away.. she looks confused and they all do... I went to Clint next and smiled softly "Keep ur friends close but ur enemies closer.." I mutter sliding on a bracelet and I kiss him gently and hug him to regain my emotions...
I go to Pietro next "We go reunited in life as we do in death.. we will see each other soon my Silver" I say our promise and he sniffs sadly as he says "Don't go please.."
"I have to go it's only for 3 years.."
I slid a bracelet on him and kissed him gently before pulling away... I go to Tony and smile softly at him "I was living in a fairytale.." I mutter to him softly as I slide a bracelet kissing him too "love u forever.. my iron" I mutter again before going to Bucky I kiss him gently and slide a bracelet on
"and when I look at ya.. the only memory I see is the future.." my heart breaks doing this but it was for my aunt...
I go to Thor and Loki next I kiss Thor first and then slide a bracelet "Keep it in ur heart.. keep ur enemies close but ur friends closed" I tell him and go to Loki I kiss him "Ohh.. I can't remember to forget u.. and the only memory we have is us kissing in the moonlight.." sliding a bracelet on I go to Peter and he was crying as I had helped him with his college work.. "take me back to the night we met.. kissing in the moonlight.." I mutter to him and slide a spider theme bracelet on.. tears in my eyes as I kiss him before pulling away I step away.. hades spoke "U ready?" I nodded sadly... "Take me back to the night we met. I had all of them but now I have none of them... What the hell am I meant to do I had all of u but now I got none of them.." the song wipes their memories locking them in a place where a specific word can unlock it no one could detect it...
I go to Pepper and nod sadly and she hugs me n says "I'll look after them I promise.." I smiled softly and said "Love u pep.." and she left with my mates I Go with Hades
every few years we would do this.. it helped me recover and although I hated it.. it was for the best nobody will know... ever. 'And so we go reunited in death as we do in life.. love u forever avengers.."

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