Act two chapter three

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I look at my Subjects and stand tall
"Look at me. Blood pumping. Heart thumping. So take it all.."  "The city is ours! So take it all! The city is Ours!" the city repeats to me "In New York City... New York City. So put ur gloves on u gotta get wet when it's raining. U see what I see?.. So take it all... The cities are our... So take it all."
'The city is ours! It's all ours." the crowd repeats as I stand looking down at my family.
"So take it all... The city is ours. Worth fighting for... It's all mine... So take it all the city is ours Worth fighting for."
The audience repeats "So take it all the city is ours worth fighting for.. It's all ours.." before the song trails my daughter steps up she was now 23 years old... I smiled sadly as she spoke... I hear someone yelling 'SHUT UP!"
I step forward my hands lighting up
"So she tries to cover her pain. Because princesses don't cry. But there is hope in the dark. U should know we are beautiful the way...we are. No scars too beautiful.. Oo...ho.. Ohoohoh.. And u don't have to change a thing the world could change their heart."
She says "She has a be.. Envy.."
"So she's starving... beauty is pain."
She repeats "She fades away. She doesn't understand she's worth it." I smile softly "So to all the royals that are hurting let us be ur mirror.. Because there is hope in the dark.. no scars to ur beauty ... No scars to ur beauty."
I raise my hands and they glow brightly..
"u are beautiful," I tell my daughter kissing her cheek softly and I remove my crown she looks at me shocked... But I nodded knowing my mates needed me... they had gone home after a month here.. "I now Pronounce u.. The Queen of Pendragon." all the dragons roared and I smiled saying softly "We will meet again." She hugs me n says "Aunty would Mom be proud?" I smile softly "I know she and our father would be so proud my little star.."
"may the gods bless u.." I repeated and she said "May the goddesses bless u.." I smiled softly before I walked down and called Loki
"hey, Loki.." I say softly as I go to saddle my Dragon..
I stroke the larger dragon and climb on after placing the soft saddle on "I'm on my way.. uh can ya meet me at the helicopter pad in 30?" I asked Loki and he replied, "Of course kitten!"
I smiled hanging up "Let's go smoke" I whispered and he took off before he left the castle he made a dragon out of the smoke
"MAY THE GODS BLESS U!" They saluted me as we flew off
I sighed as we flew I made us invisible so the mortals didn't see... I leaned forward as smoke sped up I cheered letting out a squeal and in the next 29 minutes, we were at the tower. I gently guided smoke down removing the invisibly as we landed I dismounted and landed funny on my leg I whimpered slightly but ignored the pain.. I hear footsteps and see my mate smoking looking at them tilting his head
"smoke friends." I tell him and bring Pietro forward he flinches back against me as Smoke lowers his head to his height I grab Pietro's hand and place it on Smoke's snout and Smoke says "Lyras father.."
"yes, smoke he is Lyra's father.."
"go on there's a dragon stable nearby be kind and don't kill anybody yeah." The dragon nods before flying off I hug Pietro close to me "Good to know he approves" I chuckled into his ear and he leans against me relaxing
I smile at him my eyes floating close but before I did my leg buckled underneath me... Pietro catches me quickly
"Thanks, Piet... I'm ok" I tell him kissing him softly as my mates crowd me as he speeds us down to the lounge I take my boot off and sigh seeing the swollen leg..
"broken 3 places.." I muttered
"Vendicorto!" I say and my leg glows healing
loki says "u have a dragon?"
"yes, it is only fitting?" I didn't know they didn't know my title of mother of the dragons and the last dragon lady. I hear the elevator open and stand up my eyes going alert as I look at my mates to see if they have invited anybody they shake their heads discreetly and I frown
a voice calls "Aunty? Are u here?" I froze
"Hey Rose I'm in here" I called softly and a 10-year-old girl came out it was clear she had been crying.. rose Lupin daughter of Remus and My sister passed me papers and I looked at them.. adoption papers it was signed by Remus already.. we had agreed I would take her if anything happened to him.. I ask Rose gently "Shh it's ok little one come on" I pick her up easily and walk to the lounge I sighed my heart breaking for my niece.. as I sat down with her I whispered to Bucky who sat next to me "can u guys go to the meeting room? I want to talk to her alone for a few minutes.." he nods guiding everybody out quietly
rose said "how do I say goodbye to someone that had been there for my whole life? He gave me my name.."
"and the colour of ur eyes.."
"the pain never ends But it does get better my darling"
rose said "Does it? When will it end?.."
"it never really ends but it will get better u have me With u my darling" I kiss her head and she hugs me as she says "Thank u for being there for me.."
"of course, I know how it feels.. now I need to talk to my mates but U can go get settled in my room friday can guide u there," I tell my niece gently and she nods getting up and going to my room.

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