Act three one

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TW- Vibrator edging dom sub sub refusing pleasure (for CAS) Slight hesitation slight force if it's uncomfortable slight degradation and overstimulation A LOT.
Cordelia's pov from now on she's gonna be called Delia.
i sigh as I get up from my oddly lonely bed I had been distancing myself since the year started.. I don't know why but I had started planning engagements.. this week I wanted to try n finish the bond with both Wanda and Natasha And then it would be the boys turn separately so they don't get jealous I have seen the girls Be closer to each other then the rest so I'm sure they wouldn't mind
i get bought out of my throats as I wrote a letter for an old friend by a knock "who is it?" I asked softly getting up
i hadn't slept so I looked like a mess
wanda spoke "it's me and Natasha!"
"Friday unlock door. When they in lock and silent mode" Friday unlocks the door and the girls come in I hear it lock again and I knew silent mode was now on I smile at my two mates before saying "how may I help u my loves?" well writing my letter wanda said "We were just wondering what u were up to?" I smile softly standing up
"Wanna see?" I asked them gently they nod excitedly I chuckled "words darlings" they turned red at my tone and I smirked at them cheekily  Natasha said "Yes please"
Wanda said "Yes please?" I smile at them before pulling them closer to me I kept them steady feeling the bond go crazy I then relax as it calms down and I let them go
"Sorry the bond is driving me crazy" I say softly before going to my suitcase which was out
I open it and say "come here girls" they walk to me and I said "trust me?" they say in unison "of course!"
I lift them up with my wind magic gently hovering them above me "stay" I tell them as I climb down the ladder to the suitcase I then bring them down and place them down on the floor of the apartment in my suitcase
Natasha said "woah.."
I smiled gently then tense as I felt wanda kiss my neck I tilted my head not making a move to stop her Natasha turns and sees us and kissed me passionately I smile slightly into the kiss before I take control I slightly walk backwards and walked towards my bed so Wanda would fall into it which she did and let out a squeal as I did so I chuckled softly and then in a quick movement I spun around so Natasha fell next to wanda I smiled as the redhead lets out a loud squeal too I smiled before going to wanda I kiss her neck gently and muttered "do u guys want to finish the bond? It's ok if not" I say that and then continued kissing her neck leaving little bites wanda spoke whimpering "yes please.."
Natasha said "sure darling.." I pulled away from wanda
I go to my toy draw and look into it wondering
"Girls get undressed please." they don't say anything but I knew they heard me I grab a vibrator for wanda and then grabbed some other stuff for later on if we could do multiple rounds debating on how they feeling
I turn back and hid the vibrator I go into my Dom mode
"Okay. Natasha u get the vibrator for a bit wanda u get my face. Both of u behave and I'll let u cum. If u don't well that's not my problem. I don't have a title name so u can just call me Delia" I kissed Natasha and slid it in I kept the remote on me and wanda hesitated a she says "what about u?" I smiled at her hesitation "Don't worry about me darling it's about u two tonight" wanda nods and then climbs onto my face not putting her full weight on almost instantly I could tell and growled into her before pulling her down
She said "no Delia! I'd suffocate u!" I rolled my eyes "then I'd die happy darl" before beginning to eat her out I turn the vibrator on medium and grab another toy for wanda
I press it in as I eat her out like she was my dinner and then I gently nip at her knowing her weak spots I hear wanda moaning and Natasha whimpering and I clench my legs together feeling turned on listening to my two girls
I don't stop eating wanda out Pressing the mini vibrator to her and turning natasha's vibrator on higher
Natasha said "Can I cum please?"
I whined at her tone of submission before saying "go ahead delta" to both of them knowing wanda was close I hear Natasha cumming first then wanda I clean wanda up and kiss her gently as I lift her with my wind powers
"U enjoyed that?" I asked them both as they stand on weak legs I pull them down  "no leaving." I growled into their ear
Wanda said "what about u?"
"Ill be fine-" I slap her hand away gently from my thigh considering I had used my magic to remove my clothes
She said "let us return it please?" I shake my head and whimpered slightly as Natasha kissed my neck
"Girls I said no-" they stop feeling my nerves
Wordlessly I grab another vibrator sticking it into wanda
"U can cum as much as u want." I kiss Natasha gently as she says "but we want u to cum.."
I shake my head "tonight is about u two." before lifting Natasha onto my face she again didn't put full weight on
"Put ur full weight on or u won't be cumming." I growled and she sat down hesitating a bit but I bit her pussy gently in warning I turn the vibrator up on wanda and hear her whimpering I clench my thighs together I grab natasha's ass gently as I proceed to eat her out hitting all the right places as I did so she moaned and whimpered as I felt her pussy clench around me I whisper "cum." into it before pressing my tongue in and that did it for her she came with a loud moan and I focused on wanda listening for her too
She came aswell with a louder moan and I don't stop
Natasha said "Delia.. Let us breathe.." I sighed letting her down then turning the vibrator on low I smirk at their flustered faces "u ok?" I asked them gently wondering if I overdid it.. Wanda said "we are fine we just needed a moment" I tilt my head cautiously "what's ur colour?" I asked them knowing they knew what they meant
Wanda said "Green." I turn to her tilting my head as I check her for lies I didn't see any So as Natasha says "green." I turn to her looking for lies I sensed none again
"Good girls.." I whisper huskily and I see them clenching their thighs together as wanda says "can we-" I intrupt
"No wanda.. Tonight is about u two" wanda said "but u aren't getting any pleasure and its annoying us.."
I sigh "I'm getting pleasure hearing u two how about that?"
She shakes her head stubbornly n said "come on Delia.. Please?" I clenched my thighs together again
"Goddamn it" wanda and Natasha sat on the bed with me natasha's hand go to my thigh I tensed wanda felt that and kissed me biting my lip to distract me
I tensed again as I felt natasha's finger gently pressing against my underwear.. She says "u have to relax darling.."
I pulled away from wanda to reply wanda moved to my neck kissing it leaving love bites as I said "can we just leave it please?" she shakes her head and says "what's the matter sweets?" as wanda pulls away and laid next to me Natasha comes to do the same laying next to me on my left side I don't say anything and Natasha said "darlin."
"Just nervous.. I mean we been dating for 3 years officially today and I haven't exactly been the nicest to u all lately"
She says "that's ok my sweetheart why wont u let us return the favour?" I sigh "I told u guys a few weeks ago I haven't had sex since Pietro which also means I haven't had an organism since Pietro. I didn't want to hook up incase we still had a chance together" wanda moves down slightly kissing my whole body Natasha kisses my neck before moving to my lips kissing me passionately I whimpered letting my Dom side fade into a corner I tensed again as I felt wanda get closer and her breath on my pussy..
She gently looks up at me and I pull away from natasha slightly wanda said "u ok? What's ur colour?"
I hesitated "green" I said gently and she looks at me and then presses a finger into my pussy I jolt slightly
She glanced at me again and Natasha said "u are ok." to me gently I tensed even further and wanda looks at me concerned but I nodded to calm the female and she pressed a finger deeper into me I whimpered feeling my body relax as Natasha kisses my neck and wanda teased me I whined "please.." wanda looks at me with a smirk and said "please what darling?" I blushed red and my hips buck into her hand she tuts pulling away from me
"Please wanda.. Please make me cum still I'm screaming ur name.. Please make me cum" I blabber on my sub side now showing Natasha said "sh sweetie u ok now" I stop my talking and jolted as wanda pressed a finger and then she opens my legs using her magic and started fingering me.. Well her magic was activated.. I moaned loudly and clenched around her as she says "fuck u are so tight Princess.." Natasha kisses me to distract me and I whimpered as wanda adds another finger my hand goes to Natasha and I pressed a finger to her pussy too trying to make it so my girls would get pleasure I then realised wanda still had the vibrator so I turned it on and she lets out a squeal of shock and she glanced at me seeing my smirk I fingered Natasha and she whimpers as wanda starts eating me out she lets out moans of pleasure as I turn the vibrator up I knew Natasha and wanda eerie close so I pulled away and turn the vibrator off wanda pulls away from me and said "what's the matter sweetie?"
"Just wanted to tease" she chuckles huskily before wanda said "Natasha do u want to take over well we distract this little slut? Do u want to eat me out darling?" she says the last question to me and Natasha nods at her briefly before taking her position "fuck pls.. Please please please" I whined Natasha started off rough I jolted bucking my hips into her But she held my hips down tightly wanda tilted my head towards her and kissed me I whimpered into the kiss as I felt Natasha finger me eating me out wanda removed the vibrator and then sat on my face

3 hours later
It was 3 hours later we were still going by now everybody had finished at least 21 times I was feeling dizzy but didn't want to stop wanda sensed it as I was getting sloppy she climbed down and looked at me concerned she tapped Natasha who was still eating me out and she stops and came up Natasha said "what's ur colour baby?" I didn't reply wanda tapped me and said "Baby? What's ur colour?"
I stutter "Green-red" They sigh and clean me up I blush feeling like I disappointed them.. Wanda and Natasha curled up next to me and we fell asleep

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