Chapter four

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A month later February
I sighed as I worked in the gym I took off my top revealing a sports bra and I went on the phone as I went on the treadmill I sped faster and faster my anger was obvious... My mates won't let me go see my family so now I'm stuck here.. And it's Lyra's birthday coming up so I had a plan. I sighed as I talked to Wade ranting "It isn't fair! Her birthday is coming up and I can't miss it.." I continued ranting before finishing up as I turned the treadmill down I cooled myself off and went up not bothering with my top I walked up the stairs sighing "I'm going out." I stated bluntly as I entered the lounge and all eyes turned to me as Wanda said "Like that?"
"..Wanda. No of course not unless I'm goin' to a strip club!" I say sassily feeling mad she puts her hands up in defence and I get a call I sigh answering "Hey darl.. yeah I'm coming- WAIT WHAT"
"u are downstairs.. right now?..?"
"why...?"  I sighed and said "Darling do not have to shoot the Avengers! One of them is ur dad for god's sake"
"Lyra winter oak black! Fine come up, u got the others?" As I say that the elevator dings and Lyra comes up with a knife..? "Oh gods you were serious-" Lyra said "Two things hi mom. He isn't my dad considering he cheated"
"in his defence, he didn't know I was pregnant"
she raised an eyebrow and said "And u are trapped here, GIRLS. Bring it in!" The girls from the home came in with party decorations I chuckled at their excitement "Avengers upstairs Kyra in charge. Lyra too" They nod and head off I guide my mates upstairs rubbing my head "Hey at least u aren't dead?" I added trying to stop the questions they had... but Clint said "How many kids do u have?"
"with Pietro? 2. 2 with the angels. In total? 450 kids No they are not mine but they live t the cast-" I paused realising what I was about to reveal Wanda tilted her head "Finish what u were saying, sweets." I blushed "at home." I said rewording my sentence and Tony said "I'm pretty Castle pretty sure castl doesn't spell home but alright" I chuckled and smiled softly
"I can't wait to go home.." I mutter to myself I smiled
I get a call from my agent and I answer "yes?" I said and she said "u got a lead. Get ready I'm on my way."
"No Cass- It's Lyra's birthday!" she replies "This is a huge chance if u want to be big in the music world! Lyra will understand" I scoffed "I have missed 3 birthdays in the past 2 years Because of this. So either get them to reschedule or they can come to my place!" My voice shows annoyance I take a sharp breath trying to relax as she spoke "he wants a dance too.."
"denied. I don't do dances anymore." I say firmly and I see the curious looks of everybody. She spoke, "he's a Famous actor come on!" "I said No ok? I don't do dances after.. the incident." She sighed n said "Very well." she hung up and I groaned "dumb boys wanting dances" I uttered to myself
Wanda said, "u ok?" I fake smile  "Yeah I'm ok.." Wanda said, "I can see u aren't u need to talk?" I hesitated knowing I hadn't gotten low in a while since the twin's birth... but then my phone rang again Interrupting my thoughts.. again I answered seeing it was  a close friend "yes?" I asked politely and he said roughly "Meeting. Gringotts. Now." I sighed "All right, on the way" I hung up and said "I have to go to a meeting.. but I'll talk to u later" I knew Kyra and Lyra would come with me so I grabbed my rings and slid them on I didn't wear my lady rings a lot anymore got too much but the hogwarts crests were joint so was a potter and Perverel and then black and Lestrange I play with it as I grab my necklaces and slid them on Wanda smiled n said, "can we come?" I hesitated "Sure," I said after a bit of hesitating I passed some other rings with the crests on for moments like this no question asked they slid it on I smiled and I headed down with my mates "Lyra! Kyra! We have a meeting let's go girls" they groaned but come with me as I grab onto my mates rather tight and we apperated with the port key Tony grabs onto me tighter as we land "deep breathes sweetie," I tell Tony softly calming them all down easily as I hum a soft song I stood up again helping him with me I see the goblins and curstied "merry meet. May ur gold always flow." The guards said "And May ur enemies fall at ur feet lady black" I smiled at them before I guided us all inside the meeting room Kyra and Lyra's faces went blank and Loki saw this and looked at me curiously as my eyes went blank "it's a habit" I muttered to him and I kept Natasha and Wanda closer to me then usual feeling needy as I felt the bond between us trying to get us to complete it.. my mates sat with me as the seat of our house seats expanded to a couch we wait for the others to settle down as the meeting was called I stood up "Ahem" I clear my throat and eyes turn to me "I have an idea to bring to the table if I may Mrs Weasley?" I say greeting Hermione with a nod she says "of course Lady black" I smile gently "a magical orphanage. Say muggleborns were born into a squib family and they get abused for it. I say we open a magical orphanage They will be mixed with different genders but boys will have one corridor the girls will have One and the LGBTQ crew will have one make sense?" I said softly and she said, "Excellent idea May I ask what inspired this?" I smiled at her and said "My own home life.. wasn't the best as u know the blacks before my rules were very.. toxic And I had to protect my late brothers and sisters as u know Sirius Orion black Bellatrix Black née Lestrange Narcissa Black née malfoy And andromeda black née Tonks and Regulus black Nee rosier I had inherited the potter ladyship from mather who had no kids But my father Had planned this ahead and made a deal that if no potter descendants had kids The most trusted allied house would get the Ladyship to ensure the houses didn't die out. Anyway, what also encouraged this is my adopted son. He was abused for years before I found him.." Hermione said "Ah I'm sorry for ur loss by the way.." malfoy spoke up "u are listening to her? This is all a trick!" My eyebrows raised "Lord malfoy ur late wife was my sister. In one quick move I can take ur fortune and Ur allies after all who wouldn't ally with Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, potter, black, Lestrange, blackthorn" I say and he pales at my threat sitting down but then Longbottom stands up "U are just a girl who do u think u are!" He yells at me and I visibly flinch but then remain cool "I am a blackthorn. I am the last Blackthorn. And most importantly? I am the daughter of the sea.. u mess with me u mess with my family Longbottom." He yells back "u are just a dirty slut! U don't deserve ur house titles" I take a sharp breath my eyes glowing
"I Cassandra Cassieopia Annabelle black Declare a blood feud with The Longbottoms. Breaking the Potter alliance with them. Mote it always be" Magic swirls around us and I smirk as Longbottom gasped feeling the potter protection leave Hermione clears her throat and my eyes calm as does my body I smile flirtily at Hermione and she says "Ahem anyway moving on Meeting is dismissed unless u have any other ideas?" I shake my head and I go down to her my mates following it was common for the higher rank houses to go first meaning I always got out first I shake her hand and she says "Pleasure to see u again Miss black"
"u too Mrs Weasley."

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