Chapter 5 - final of act one

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tw- mentions of sex stuff
Today marks 11 months of us being together... I'm so glad I joined them but lately, the bond was getting harder to handle and I was nervous about it.. I decided I wanted to do it with Wanda and Natasha first before the boys since I didn't think they'd bottom and I don't bottom unless They are very trusted... I hadn't had sex since Pietro...
as I was getting ready to head down to the dinner I got the call I answered and a voice said "Miss black you have a lead. Get ready"  "Couls- agent I can't... it's Christmas! Can I just have a day off?" I said softly and he replied, "I'm sorry agent black but we need this one in ASAP." I sighed
"alrighty.. where at? Send me the location and I'll call u back..." I wasn't happy bout this At all and I hung up after he said it was sent and I looked at the location... I scowled
I sighed upset as I walked down to the Lounge where everybody was waiting... I look at my happy mates and wonder when I could tell them... Lyra said "Mama!"
"Hey, baby.." I say softly bending down to her height
Lyra said "Did He call u in.." her smile dropped and I sighed sadly "Yeah unfortunately I have to bring an asshole in.. I'm so sorry Lyra.." she says "But this was our first Christmas with Dada and the others.." I froze at the fact Lyra just called Pietro dada... I smiled sadly and I heard the elevator ding I straightened as I picked her up
"Agent Lupin" I greeted and he said, "I'm sorry Agent black." I sigh "It's ok the job never stops huh? Who are we bringing in this time?" I asked and I passed Lyra to Wanda Kissing my daughter's cheek as I did so
he said "A guy by the name... Orion Fred Jackson?" I froze
"Fuck no. Get an agent on the phone I'm not doing it!"
agent Lupin said, "u are the best agent we got we don't have a choice.." "One fucking day is all I asked to celebrate Christmas I have my family back Lupin! This isn't fair!" I yelled as tears fall.. he looks at me shocked and I snap "I have emotions too u asshole" he says "Uhm I know but ur parents taught u no emotion so I thought u would hide it"
"WALBURGA and Orion black are Not my fucking parents." I snarled and he said "I can bring Agent Jackson in" My head tilted curiously "Percy?" I ask
"he's retired and he only comes in for emergencies.. get Rose to do this." He nodded and left I tied my hair up into a bun "Hey Lyra?" I asked my daughter gently and she said "Yes mama?"
"do u remember the stories I would tell u when u were younger?" Her face lit up and said, "Yes can u tell me another?" I smiled and nodded sitting down next to Wanda and Natasha Lyra came up and sat on my lap "One thousand years ago this story starts... there were four sorcerers with strong and wise hearts Gryffindor from England... Ravenclaw from Texas.. and they had the dream to teach all they knew. Witches and wizards came far and it grew... And a thousand years later the magic and light remain... Ohh old sorting hat sang us a song.. speak in our head and tell us where we belong.. and when things look bad unite all the houses and we'll fight as one.."
I smiled softly my eyes showing emotions "Brave Godric Gryffindor favoured the strong.. and Rowena Ravenclaw taught the best.. so kind Helga Hufflepuff took the rest.. but Salazar had his plans.. he thought the muggle-borns didn't understand.. the magic traditions and so He ran.. and he kept running.. ohh old sorting hat sing us a song.. speak in our head tell us where we belong.. and when things look bad.. and there's nowhere to run reunite the houses and we will fight as one.." the story trails and I end it on a happy note "and so the magic remains in the island of Scotland.. keep ur heart my brave star... Be strong.." I smiled softly as Lyra said, "That was a good story mama!"
"thank Lyra ur uncle Reggie used to love it too.." the elevator dings and I get up shifting slightly I see Ronald Weasley.. hermione granger And Hunter Wind.
I snarled "Lyra get with ur dad yeah" I told my daughter and she ran to Pietro as I got tense
Ron spoke "Darling-"
"I'm burning our past. U can stand there and watch if ya want." I say darkly
"u published our relationship. U told the whole world How u bought a girl in the bed. UR ENEMY WHISPERED SO U HAD TO SCREAM!"
"I saw how u looked at my niece."
Ron tried to speak but I interrupted "Don't. I saw women around ya. I'm erasing our past. let future witches and wizards know how I reacted WHEN U BROKE MY HEART"
"And when the time comes. Explain to the children How u put me through pain and embarrassment! WHEN WILL U LEARN WE ARE UR LEGACY!" I yelled at him
"get out." I say and Hermione says "Wait no we usually celebrate Yule together"
"no. U lost that chance.. get out." and they all left
"Hate to see u like a monster., so I ran... Hate to hide.." I muttered sadly but put on a fake smile seeing the excitement everybody held..
mind- but u can't stop DNA...
I go out to the balcony and glance at the sky for hope... I see the Cassieopia star shine brighter and I knew I would be ok.. oh well I hoped.. I usually go and visit Hades so I can talk to my family.. but I can't sneak away with my mates watching... I felt an arm around my waist I turned and saw Natasha and Wanda... I placed a fake smile on me and Natasha said "U can go if u like.. we can distract them for a few hours.." I hesitated "No it's fine I can go next year.." mind- hopefully? - Wanda said, "Alright if u sure sweetie.." I hear Tony call us in I place a fake smile on my mask instinctively going on then I get a call.. I saw the number and answered, "yes dr?" I say softly and he replies "Miss black are u alone right now?" "Uh I'm celebrating Christmas with my mates but They can't hear this why did the results come back?" I said worriedly he said, "Uh no actually.. the results are good it's all clear but we need a blood test and ultrasound from u if that's ok?"
"u don't think it happened again do u?" I asked noticing all the conversations around me and pausing at my words as he said "No.. hopefully not but in case it does.. have u seen Grace recently" I sighed "We are tight on money right now with all the kids starting school next year it's gonna be harder so no I haven't.." he sighs "Cassie I told u I would pay for it if u needed it" "We have other things to worry about.."
"I have to go dinner is ready," I say hearing the ding of the timer I hang up and sigh rubbing my head as I feel a headache coming on I get up and wince as my legs buckle underneath me Pietro grabs me quickly as I fell I sighed "I'm ok.." I wasn't okay though I hadn't slept most of the week because of nightmares.. and it always happens around this year.. he says "No u aren't princessa... Natasha and Wanda, can u go help the others well I talk to her?" Wanda nodded and left with Natasha I cuddled closer to Pietro and he asked "Talk to us, please? U can trust us... it's been a year princessa.." I sigh "I haven't seen my dad since the breakup... I want to talk to him but he doesn't answer my calls.. and I usually go with the elder kids to see My family's graves since they are all gone.. it sucks and I hate it.. and the bond feels like it's suffocating me since u are all protective... I know u guys don't trust me yet but I'm trying.. it's just hard.." Pietro hugs me kissing my neck gently but doesn't make a move to do more I tilt my head trusting him..  he says gently "after dinner princessa.. or in a few days yeah? U can trust me Princessa" In the hot accent I felt myself get flustered quickly blushing and I swore he bucked his hips into me on purpose as I moved off him after I heard the others coming back.. I felt sick and got up quietly as everybody ate I sneaked off to my room as I didn't sleep with my mates... I sighed as I lay down on my bed

wandas pov
"hey guys where's Cassie?" I say to my mates looking for the newest member of our family
Pietro said, "Oh she was just here.."
Natasha sighed n said "She sneaked off I don't think she's feeling well today.. she's been acting strange"
Lyra said "Mama always Feels sick on Christmas!
"why is that my little dove?" I asked and she said "I'm not sure whenever we ask she just says when u older! Maybe Aunty Natasha and Aunt Wanda can go?"
I tilt my head and chuckle at my niece.. "she had a plan didn't she?" Lyra said, "Nooo why would u think that?"
I chuckled cutely "Because u have the face she does whenever she hides something."

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