Act three two

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It has been a week since wanda Nat and I finished bonding I now lock myself in my room
Right now I was forging Loki's ring when I hear a knock
"Friday who is it?" she says "its.. Thor?"
I cover the ring and out it in the draw hastility and go to the door I slip it open and slip through it
"Thor how may I help u?" I asked he says "hello darling! Uh the others are here?" my face lit up and I quite literally drag Thor as we rush downstairs
"PETERRRRR" I yelled happily as I launch myself into the youngest arms
"Quick. What's ur favourite colour!" the past week I had asked this but Peter had stayed at his dorm for exams so I didn't have time to ask Him he looks at me confused and says "Good morning to u too! Also I guess red"
"Perfect! Uhh WANDA" I turn to my female mate
"Whats ur favourite place?" I say my legs on auto mode
Wanda said "Greek."
I smiled excitedly "ok thank u love u goodbyeee-" before I could run off Pietro grabs me
I then see the other men.. And my eyes hardened
"Dumbledore." I greeted him with fake politeness.. He said "U!" I tilt my head "me."
He says "Why are u here?! U are evil!" I flinched into pietro's arm and wordlessly gesture my mates to me they come trusting me. "U killed my sisters.."
"Albus too many names I banish u from the earth of midgaurd. U will feel the pain u inflicted on students. U will feel guilt. Pain. And sadness. U will not return to Earth."
"Thantos!" death came and grabs Dumbledore wordlessly as I say "take him to the place.' His eyes widened excitedly and they go poof. I relax again but my excitement raised again "Uhh TONY IF U HAD ONE WISH WHAT WOULD U DO?" Tony looks at me confused and said "marry u all"
I Turn red "hahah.. Ok."
I turn to Bucky and he said "yes doll?"
"Forgot what I was about to ask.."
I open my checklist removing myself from pietro's arms
"No... no AHAHA" I yelled
"loki THOR"
The two gods turn to me "can I go to asgaurd alone I need to talk to Odin!" they tilt their head and I awwed
"HEIMDALL" a light beams us to asgaurd all of us
"Right u all stay here" I rush off and my mates of course follow "QUEEN FREYA KING ODIN I NEED TO TALK TOO UUU" the doors open for me and I cheer seeing them
"Hi Hi. Just need u to sign this bc this needs to be done in the next 4 weeks." Freya chuckles and said "hello again. And sure what is it?" i felt my mates behind me
"I told u to stayy" I whined at them loki said "Father. Mother." Freya said "Loki good to see u. Now Delia what was it?" I smile at her and said "hunters." her eyes turned wide and she lets out the most unladylike squeal EVER
She said slapping Odin repeatedly "ODIN SIGN IT. SIGN IT. SIGN ITT" Odin said "okay OK CALM DOWN WOMEN"
"Ur mother would be proud" I direct the answer to Freya and she laughs n said "its a game of survival.. But yes she would be proud" I smiled softly my legs walking forward I had frozen my mates with a simple barrier spell I pass the paper and Odin signs it and said "u welcome now can u leave." Freya said "ODIN DONT BE RUDEE! Delia can u stay?" "I am confusion." I laughed and she said "right u have planning ill let u guys go! Hi Thor Hi loki bye Thor bye loki" wordlessly I guide my mates out I then check getting permission from the gods parents off my list
"Done.. Done.. Done.. Done.." I mutter as we beam down
"Love u guys." I kiss their cheek and step back to go back to my room wanda said "can we see what u working on?"
"Actually I need the measurements so perfect. Comeon" I say guiding them to my room I open the door and I Hummed pulling out a measurement tape wordlessly I push Bucky onto the stool "stay. Good boy." I say my mind on auto mode I wordlessly let the measurement tape do his thing and I smiled softly Bucky said "doll what is all this for?" I chuckled amusedly "its a secret.." I cheekily smile
Pietro said "why are u keeping secrets?"
I hummed softly "hurts when I remember.. I wouldn't have made it this far with u holding my hand.. I don't want to lose control.. Nothing I can do.." I whisper the lyrics as I sketch pietro's ring out "I don't want to lose control.." I mutter
My mates sat on my bed waiting for me
I finish sketching pietro's ring and then push it to the side I move my hair over slightly as I felt my mates stand up Tony asks "what in the world are u doing" I smile slightly I had all my work in Greek so nobody could understand it I sketch out Wanda's dress and she says "wow that's pretty.." I smiled glad she liked it
I sketched the dress out and then finish that I label it moving to the side I now sketch natasha's dress she stands beside me playing with my hair
Natasha said "come take a break darlin." I sighed
"Alright sure., an hour break won't hurt"
"Oh Bucky Uhh what are ur parents names"
Bucky said "Sarah and James" i nodded
"right next time I see Hades he can take me down.. So that's done. Dresses's are sketched rings aren't fully sketched but almost done.." I mutter
Peter said "I'm so confused what are u planning"
"No spoilers" I chuckled cheekily
Loki said "how long have u slept"
"5 hours" I say sheepishly and he sighed as he says "Get some sleep"
"Fuck no! I have stuff to do loki!" I whined as Natasha quite literally sat on my lap so I couldn't move
"Natt get up pleaseeee! I wanna finish thiss"
Natasha said "u have to rest darlin"
"Rest can wait" she looks at me sternly I sighed hovering her above as I rolled off the bed
"Ill sleep when I'm done ok?"
I smiled feeling memories arise.. I push them down.
"lEO" a owl came and I pass him the invitations
"Got take these to mcgongall.. Harry Hermione Ginny and Fred and George oh and Wildheart" he flew off
"Right invitations sent.." I look at how many rings I need
"Thor need ur finger." he said "huh.."
"Give me ur handdd" I take his hand gently pulling out the test ring I place it on his ring finger it fitted.
"Tony. Bucky. Loki. Peter. Clint." the boys come around and I grab the other test rings putting them on mindlessly
I check them and it fitted "well that works. Goodie!"
I didn't want them to know yet..
"Right wanda. Natasha come here" the girls come up and u grab the larger rings slipping them on I check it measuring it and it fitted.. Phew.
"Right that's done.." I just had to plan the suits and then measure it I get my tape measure and it went on auto mode measuring everybody for me my excitement was clear and I call Taylor "hey Tay I need to call in a favour.."
"Ur next Tour can u do it on the 24th? And sing love story"
I smiled and said "great thank u Tay!"
I hang up and smiled softly .

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