0 | AICNLP - Intro

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"Ben reporting, north clear."

"Hyuka reporting, west side clear."

"Terry reporting, east side clear."

"Heedong reporting, south side clear."

"Alright, the center's all that's left. Peter, do we have our target clear?"

"Peter reporting, target found."

"Good. Remember the plan, Peter. We can't risk failing. This is our only chance."

"Got it."

Peter - or Jisung, went to his assigned spot.
They were on a mission to annihilate the Mayor of Cheongguk Municipality. The Mayor was confirmed by their association that he was, indeed, the cause of the missing teenage females.

Not even the police cared to investigate.

He was the suspect of human trafficking and sexual slavery. His crimes were so severe even the members of their association had to throw up when they had read the information about the mayor, Goo Yoojun.

Seeing as the police made no move, their association did all the work.

Now, we go back to the current situation at hand.

"Peter reporting, I'm approaching the target."

"Initiate a conversation like how we planned."

"Shut up, for God's sake. I know the plan."

Peter approached Goo Yoojun and offered the man a drink.

"Hello there. Fancy champagne?"

"Oh, greetings, young man! Thank you for the gesture." Goo Yoojun smiled as he took the glass from Peter's hands.

"I've heard you're the mayor of Cheongguk. Care to share the details of the job? Is it a pain in the ass?"

"Much, but - when I see the happy smiles of the locals, I'd feel nothing to be tired about. The pain's worth it." Goo Yoojun responded as he made a fake expression.

'What a fucking pretentious bitch.'

"That so? The residents must've been grateful to have you as their mayor."

Yoojun took a sip of the champagne before shaking the glass a little.
"Haha, you flatter me." Yoojun chuckled.
"I don't h-have t...the en..erg...y.."
Yoojun mumbled before he stumbled, eventually losing consciousness.

"Peter speaking, code blue."

"Great work, Peter."

Peter hid Yoojun's unconcious body in a corner, before wrapping Yoojun's arm around his shoulder and pretended to the guards that Yoojun had drank too much.

He exited the gathering and placed Yoojun to the backseat of his car, before he injected ketamine and tied him up.

"Hyuka reporting, security guards are suspicious."

"Ben speaking, Terry should get out of the venue 15 minutes after me. Hyuka, distract the guards for a little bit. Not too much, or they'll get suspicious. Heedong, leave the premises at once."

"Copy that."

Peter drove to their closest base and entered. It was a convenience store, but underneath, it was one of their many hideouts.

"Peter speaking, mission accomplished."


AICNLP - or Association of Investigation of Cases Neglected by Local Police

The AICNLP does investigations of cases that had stayed unsolved within a year. They dig up information online or through the people their target had interacted with. They only target suspects, not innocent people.

Their association, which the members - even the leader, calls them as ICP for short, isn't a legal one, so police are having the time of their lives trying to catch these people.

Who are the members, you ask?
Well, it may seem that there are many people in the association, but there's only a few. Although they're required to be called by their codenames when in the association, and especially during missions.

There's Jihyo, ICP's leader, codename Hosanna. Leadership is top notch, intellect is unmatched, fighting skills are decent.

Vice leader Dahyun, codename Denise. Role is fighter, - skills are almost unmatched.

The well-known ace within the association and one of the founders of the association, Jisung, codename Peter. Well-versed in most languages, academically unparalleled, fighting skills and medical knowledge are top notch. Specializes in assassination and disguise. Name any skills, he's got them honed and sharpened.

There's Jongseong, codename Jay. Fighting skills are amazing, academics are decent. Specializes in cleaning up crime scenes together with Uwon.

Yang Jungwon, codename Uwon. Specializes in home economics - basically the head chef of the main building. Also cleans up crime scenes.

Heeseung, codename Heedong. Spy skills are one of a kind, acting is one of his specialties. Specializes in drug experiments and manipulation.

Kai Huening, codename Hyuka. Assists in missions, but more efficient when dealing with dead bodies or making dead bodies.

Kang Taehyun, codename Terry. Fighting skills are unmatched, acting skills are up to standard. Specializes in fighting.

Choi Beomgyu, codename Ben. Aiming skills are awesome. Main role Sniper.

Choi Yeonjun, codename Daniel. Acting skills are the best, role is hacker. Holds the private information of the members and hides it safely.

They earn funds through hacking their victims' bank accounts, so they earn a lot. ⅔ of their income will be spent on the association's financial needs, while the ⅓ will be split for each of the members.

Most of the members were picked up from harsh environments, like horrible abusive families and financial problems. The rest had simply come here for fun.

But when they all had gathered and formed the association, they had seen family in all of them. They were all comfortable with each other, despite the work they do.


(A/N: Bear w me, this is the first time I've handled this kind of genre. Idk what I should even do w this, I js know I'll lose interest on this pretty quickly.
Also, during missions, I will be referring to the characters as their codenames. )

Codename PETER || Han Jisung x SKZ / Han Jisung CentricWhere stories live. Discover now