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Yoo Hansuk was found dead earlier this morning at 3:12 A.M. Police are currently
searching for clues of the identity of the
Many civilians suspect the infamous
'Exterminator' to be the one behind
the murder, as a large wound was
found on the victim's throat.
Aside from that, evidence of the 'victim's'
crime was found scattered on the floor.


"Enjoy the news, Mr. Exterminator?"

"Not so, Daniel. I feel that it's a rather unfitting death for a parasite. Also, stop calling me that."

"Alright, Peter."

Peter put down the newspaper to the coffee table as he picked up the pistol next to him.

He went to the gun shooting training room and shot his bullets, each bullet stuck on another as he continuously hit bullseye.

"Flexing our skills, are we - Peter?"

"You bet."

Ben chuckled at the response.
"Feisty now, aren't we?"

"Oh? Ben and Peter, you're all quite early here. I mean, I understand Ben who's always early, but it's rare for Peter to be the same." A figure behind the two spoke in a gentle manner.

"Hosanna? I'd wonder the same as well. What're you doing here?" Peter asked Hosanna.

"If you were always early to come here, then you'd see me everyday."

"Not my fault I'm too interested on the guns to even care about how I should use them."

"Sorry boss, I think I'd have to agree with Peter on that." Said Ben as he wiped his shotgun clean.

"Gun addicts." Hosanna spat at the two.
"Anyways, Ben, how's the mission I assigned you to do? Did you assasinate him yet?"

"Neat and clean, no smudge on my beloved shotgun. Oh, and I applied the drug Heedong had gave me to test out. I must say, it definitely went well with my shotgun. Less bullets to spend for me." Ben answered.

"Heedong's new drug? Well, if he's had you test it out, that means he's got one last test to do before he introuces it to the others. There are three more drugs to test out, and I was hoping to give him some rohypnol to add to his concoctions. I heard he's running out of em." Peter shared.

"That so? I should restock in our drugs, then."
Hosanna responded.
"Also, I came here to assign Ben a mission, but I thought it'd be hard for him to do it alone, so I was planning to call for you, Peter, but since we're all here, might as well discuss it with you."

"What's the mission?" Asked Ben.

"Denise found some information about child abuse. It seems that there's someone who's been going around beating up homeless children and selling them to other perverted and psychotic bastards." Hosanna stated.

Codename PETER || Han Jisung x SKZ / Han Jisung CentricWhere stories live. Discover now