5 | Mission : Day 3

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There Chan was, leaning his head back and staring wide-eyed at the ceiling. The memories of last night had still not left his mind.

Chan heard footsteps approach his door. The door opened, revealing a very agitated Changbin, panting heavily as he held his kneecaps.

"Ch-chan..ah, I- I found a lead! Peter is.."


Walking through the hallways, Jisung lightly ruffled his hair with his unoccupied hand, with his other hand holding papers.

He was sent by his professor to send the paperwork to Mr Bang's temporary office. Jisung assumes it must've been a report of some sort.

Now here he is, silently regretting his decisions to work as a dancer-stripper in that bar.

Well, it's not like it's my decision - heck, it was Daniel who sent an application form! Curse that  genius of a devil.

As he walked, Chan's office close to the faculty room was in sight. Jisung hurried to the room, but suddenly halted as he heard someone shout with a voice almost strained.

..must be someone who ran. Wouldn't hurt to listen a bit, no?

Jisung quietly approached the room and listened to their conversation discreetly.


Jisung's eyes widened.
They already found me?

".. there's a chance he goes to this school! Here's the information and evidence the other have gathered back in the agency - it makes sense!"

Jisung stopped listening further. He knew what this person meant, and what he should be working on.

I guess I'll have to request Daniel to deliver my laptop to my apartment, then.

I'll take matters to my own hands.

Jisung took quiet steps back and approached the door, knocking on it.

"..come inside." He heard the detective say.

With that, he opened the door a little slightly, and had his head enter first before the rest of his body. He saw two people in suits, one sitting at the office desk and another standing up.

This is Mr Bang's office, so of course the one sitting is Bang Chan. The other must be..

Seo Changbin, the prosecutor.

Jisung closed the door behind him and walked towards the detective.

"Professor Jeon asked me to send these files to you, Mr Bang." Jisung spoke, showing the detective the said papers.

Chan had reacted a bit slowly as he looked up at the boy from his seat. His eyes had almost gone wide, but stopped himself from reacting further.

Chan looked down at his table and sighed before he took the papers from the boy.

"Thank you." He muttered for the boy to hear.

Codename PETER || Han Jisung x SKZ / Han Jisung CentricWhere stories live. Discover now