chapter nine- The men on the lake

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The four wasted no time even after their long night and continued their way to Lake-Town at first light

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The four wasted no time even after their long night and continued their way to Lake-Town at first light. It took them two and a half days to finally reach their destination, but they made it. During that time Eliriel's arm wound healed up nicely but they never stopped thinking about what happened though, the fact that Eliriel was targeted and hunted down by orcs was surprising to say the least. Well, at least to her friends, Eliriel has an idea that Sauron might be behind it according to Lady Elbereth's words.

Tauriel too started to suspect that it was because of her powers but how did the orcs find out? She and Laerornel are the only ones who know about them.

Now it was late at night and the group decided to stay hidden, only looking at the town from afar, until the orcs show up. They could all see the run down houses made of wood and stone and how the lake shone in the moonlight. The decks were filled with people even though it was late at night.
'They are still probably celebrating the return of the mountain king.' Eliriel thought. She knew that the dwarves are long gone and probably have already entered the mountain. Deep inside her though she feels fear. For what's about to happen, even though she knows, that doesn't mean she can't get hurt or die. Dealing with dragons is not to be taken lightly. It is weird as this is the first time she has really felt it. But she has to be brave for her and everyone else.

"Are you sure they will show up Eliriel?" Tauriel asked snapping her friend out of her thoughts.

"Yes, I have a strong feeling, the orcs will be here." Eliriel answered. "The company has probably left Kili and some others behind, to keep him safe, so the orcs will still hunt them down."

"Then we wait here, but we need a plan. We don't know if all thirty of them are going to attack." Legolas stated but his tone was a bit different than usual. 'He sounded a bit...dissatisfied?' Eliriel thought.

"We will figure it out, now it's too early to plan an attack." Eliriel reassured and looked away into the sky. It looked so beautiful. The moon was shining brightly together with the stars, making you unable to look away. It felt peaceful, but only for a moment. Soon, the four spotted the orc pack slowly and quietly making their way through the town, while jumping from roof to roof.

"They're here." Laerornel said as everyone was watching closely over the orcs.

"Right, since there's a lot of them we'll have to split up." Eliriel suggested making Legolas nod in agreement. "Let's follow them." He said and they all got out of their hiding spot and made their way to town. To avoid being seen by guards Legolas suggested that they climbed on the roofs as well, it would be easier for them that way to keep track of the orcs moves. Blessed with their elvish genes the four remained unseen and quiet and remained behind the pack.

After a few moments they noticed that the orc pack was surrounding a specific house. And just then, a young girl opened the door of that house and got out. "Da? Is that you Da?" The girl asked. Eliriel remembered. 'Sigrid!' She thought. She shared a look with Tauriel and Legolas who were at her sides before Legolas spoke. "Alright, Eliriel takes the left side,I take the right. Tauriel you take the middle and Laerornel will go in the house to keep the girl and whoever else lives in there safe." The rest nodded and run off to execute the plan.

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