chapter ten-Dragon Fire

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AN: Smaug speaks in "bold"

Chapter 10    Dragon fire

There was chaos everywhere

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There was chaos everywhere. Civilians getting out of their homes, looking at the sky and worrying about their fate. Others were trying to save their kids and families or belongings, putting them in safe boxes and leaving on their boats. While the master of this town had already gathered as much gold as he and his minions could carry and was already on a boat to leave the city unprotected. After the three elleths saw the situation around them, they hastily went inside Bard's house.

"We have no time, we must leave." Tauriel said while picking up some of the dwarves' stuff and putting out on a boat outside. "Come on let's go." Bofur said while putting on his cloak. Fili was trying to help his brother stand up but stubborn Kili refused his help. "I'm fine, I can walk."

"Kili, I may have healed you, but you still need to rest your leg. Don't be stubborn." Eliriel told him seriously as she was helping Tilda get ready to leave. Even gave her her little doll with her. Kili just sighed and accepted his brother's help in the end. Tauriel came back in and helped Sigrid gather some things.

"We're not leaving. Not without our father." Bain insisted as he stood behind Eliriel. "If you stay here, your sisters will die." Eliriel looked at him after getting Tilda ready. "Trust me, your father wouldn't want that."

After everyone was ready, they all got on the boat Tauriel put their things on. "Quickly now, hurry." Tauriel told the children as they hastily got on the boat with Laerornel helping them. Kili was the last one to get on. Bofur and Fili started paddling and the group began to finally leave. They all looked around as people were trying to get away as well, panicking and fearing for their lives when suddenly Smaug flew right above them.

Eliriel found herself wide eyed, fear slowly creeping into her heart but she managed to look ahead. They had to get away safely.

Soon the people's screams were muffled as Smaug's loud roar was heard and fire was unleashed. Houses were burning left and right, people were screaming, burning to death, crying over their lost loved ones, but the group continued on while looking in sadness at their surroundings. Eliriel put some fires out by controlling the water from the lake but compared to the damage done, it was useless. She also thought about how poor Tilda, Sigrid and Bain must be feeling, watching their town, their home getting destroyed. They were only children after all. She is sure they're worried about their dad too.

Suddenly Master's boat, filled with gold and other valuables, crushed into their boat, making coins fall off of it. Bofur and Fili managed to get the boat away right before any accident could happen.

"Move it!" Master barked at the group and everyone else who stood in his way. "Come on! Faster!"
"He's disgusting." Tauriel spoke when his boat was in front of them and Eliriel agreed, nodding behind her. How can he leave his people alone and helpless like that.

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