Chapter 34

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The next months or so were hard. It was hard to adjust. Thankfully, I had Steve and Bucky along the way to help guide me. They had the same problems at one point adjusting to life in the future. Steve was the best boyfriend in the world as well. He was extremely patient with me with everything.

But today was a special day. I had finally agreed to let him show me around Brooklyn and New York. I had been too scared to really leave the compound we were currently living in. I wasn't quite ready. But after lots of support from Steve and Bucky, I was ready today.

"Stevie, I hate all of this." I said to him as I looked through the closet he had put together for me with the help of a woman named Pepper. "'s a new time sweetheart. But if you'd like to get you more clothes you'd feel comfortable in then we can. A lot of these previously belonged to Natasha and Pepper." I sighed and flicked through the closet of clothes. Some pieces being much more revealing than others.

"Pepper said she'd be happy to take you shopping if you're up to it." Steve said, coming up behind me and placing a kiss on my exposed shoulder. "I just don't know if these will suit me..."

"You'll look amazing in anything, sweetheart." He kissed my neck and I leaned back against him. "You have to say that." "No, I don't." He mumbled. "You do." "But would I ever lie to you?" Steve countered. "You would if it meant making me upset." He chuckled lightly and stepped back to grab a pair of what he called leggings and a sports bra with a fitted shirt. He passed the articles of clothing over to me and I held them in the air.

"This is what people wear out and about typically." I looked from Steve to the clothes and huffed. "You'll get used to it, Bex."

I ignored him and walked into the bathroom to change into the items, struggling when it came to the bra in question. "Steve..." I called out. "Yes?" "I need help..." I mumbled.

Soon he came into the room and I could tell he was trying to hold back a laugh. "Don't laugh! Help me!" I whined. " did you do this?" He bit down on his lip and helped me figure out which straps went where. "I don't know! Why does it have so many straps!" I huffed. Steve gave me a kiss once the bra was in place and I pulled on the shirt over it.

"I wish I knew why sweetheart, but I just don't understand women's fashion in general."

"You don't understand women in general." I countered, earning a roll of Steve's eyes. "I understand women." Steve said, defensively. I shrugged and walked out of the bathroom with Steve trailing behind me. "Are you ready to go?" I took in a deep breath and nodded, taking his hand as he led me through the building and to the garage where they kept the cars. He led us to one and opened the door for me so I could get in. Once I was in, he shut the door and climbed into the driver's side.

"Wait, what about Scout?" I asked. "Bucky is going to watch him. They're buddies." I nodded and laced our fingers together.

"I figured we would take a car today. My motorcycle might draw too much unwanted attention." He said. And that made sense. While Steve assured me that he was no longer 'Captain America' people still recognized him. Especially without the beard. Which I was still grumpy about by the way. I missed his beard.

Our fingers were interlocked the entire way as he drove into Manhattan. My eyes widened as I took in the large, modernized buildings, one after another. Skyscrapers. They look nothing like they did in the 30's, 40's, or 50's and there were certainly way more than before. I guess that's to be expected though. I could feel Steve glancing from the road back to me as I gaped out the window. "It's all so different now..." I whispered. I felt Steve squeeze my hand gently, "I know. It's not the New York you know."

Steve drove us around for a while, pointing out new and old landmarks and buildings, even taking us to where our old apartment used to stand. It had been turned into a much taller and modern apartment complex. "I can't believe I was standing here only months ago...and now it's...different."

Steve wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "I know what will cheer you up...come on." He grabbed my hand and began pulling me down the street and to the familiar street corner where our favorite pizza place remained fully operational and in business. I gasped and covered my lips with my free hand. "Tony's?? It's still here?!" Steve nodded, "it is...and the pizza still tastes the same." He pulled us both into the small establishment and ordered us each a slice of cheese pizza.

I moaned as I took a rather large, unlady-like bite. Steve chuckled and shook his head. "It's as good as I remember." "Well we can come here as often as you want...order it as often as you want..." Steve said. I smiled and we continued to finish our pizza before exiting the store. "Where to next, tour guide?" Steve laughed and led us back to the car. "I was thinking of Coney Island."

"That's still standing??" I asked with wide eyes. "Unfortunately." Steve mumbled. I slapped his chest and he opened my car door for me. It was a short drive and I smiled as we got out of the car. Steve and I had our first date here. The first of many. "Well are we going in?" I asked him. "We can." Steve shoved his hands in his pockets and I threaded my arm around his. "Are you still going to refuse to let me pay?"

"Always." I laughed and stood on my toes to kiss his cheek as he bought us tickets.

As we walked around, it felt like our first date all over again. And what an amazing date that was. We came up to one of the carnival games and I smiled thinking back to the day Steve won me a plush dog.


Steve and I stopped in front of one of the many ball toss games where the objective was to knock down all of the milk bottles with a baseball. "Step right up! Win a prize for your lovely lady!"

Steve looked at me and I smiled, pushing him forwards. "How many tickets?" Steve asked. "2 tickets for 3 balls, 4 tickets for 6." Steve passed the man 2 tickets and was handed 3 baseballs. "Are you sure you don't want another 3 tries?" The man pressed. "I got it." Steve said, throwing the first baseball and knocking every milk bottle off the small table. The man stared with wide eyes as Steve handed him back the other two baseballs. "What do you want, Becca?"

"The dog."


"And now we have a real dog." Steve said, pulling me out of my thoughts and pushing my shoulder with his. "Step on up! 3 tickets for 3 balls! 6 tickets for 6 balls!" The man at the booth yelled. The ticket amount had gone up. "I'll take 3." Steve said, passing some tickets over to him. "Yes sir, Mr...excuse me, Captain, uh, Rogers." The man got flustered as he handed Steve the three baseballs. Steve winked at me and I rolled my eyes as the first ball left his hands. It hit the top of the milk bottle structure and only knocked a few off. "Losing your touch, Captain?" I said with a smirk. "What do I get if I win?"

"A kiss."

"And if I lose?" Steve asked. "You give Scout baths once a week for a month."

"Deal." He smirked. He knew he wouldn't lose. The second ball left his hands and the rest of the bottles scattered off the small table. "I believe you owe me a kiss, ma'am." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his lips down to meet mine. "I love you." Steve whispered. "I love you too." I pulled away and we looked back at the man in the booth. "What would you like, Becca?" Steve asked. "The dog."

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