🥀Chapter Six🥀

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3rd Person Pov:

Morgan sat in the chair and watched the three kings carefully. She did her best to keep her expression neutral as the kings stood in front of her. It felt to her like their red eyes were piercing right into her soul. She shifted uncomfortably at their gaze.

  Marcus kept a kind, reassuring smile on his face. Caius and Aro's face both held interest and they also looked slightly afraid that they might scare her off.

"With all due respect, why am I here?" Morgan finally asked, shifting through the silence. She wanted nothing more than to go to Marcus's room and hide away from them.

"Marcus explained more about our bond to you, Correct?" Aro asked, his hand clasped in front of him. Morgan just nodded in response. "We would like to know your thoughts, we understand that this has been a lot to take in and we would like to know where you stand." Aro explained, Marcus and Caius nodding in agreement behind him.

  Morgan sighed, she didn't know if she should be honest about her stance on this, or if she should just lie. Either way it felt like a death sentence so she just decided to say fuck it and go with the truth.

"Well honestly," She started before taking a deep breath. "I'm not really a people person, I hate getting close to people and I'd rather stay far away from people in general.  So being thrown into this situation is completely throwing me off. I am frustrated and confused, and honestly I would just rather hide away and not deal with this love bull shit. Respectfully ." She explained honestly, Morgan was slightly afraid of how they might respond but she didn't let it show. She would rather die than show any weakness.

The kings stood there slightly dumbfounded, each one looking for the right way to respond to her brutal honesty. Aro understood why she was responding this way, having read her mind. He knew her trauma.

"That is completely understandable dear Morgan." Aro finally responded. His smile never faltering.

"Look I'm sure that you three are amazing guys, but love ain't really my thing." Morgan said while crossing her arms over her chest slightly and leaning back the chair more.

"Oh and why is that?" Caius questioned rather harshly, his arms also crossed over his chest. His tone pissing Morgan off.

"What does it matter to you?" Morgan retorted back, anger in her voice.

"Because if you reject us, we will suffer greatly!" Caius explained.
"And that's my problem, why?"  she said, a bit of sass in her tone. Caius growled slightly.

"Because you are our mate, and we are nothing without you!" He said while taking a step towards her. Morgan stood from her chair and stood her ground.

"Once again, why the hell is that my problem?" Anger once again in her voice and she stood up to the considerably taller blonde.

  Aro and Marcus just watched as the two bickered, both of them not knowing what to do or say. Aro finally took a step forward.

"Peace brother." He said simply to the blonde, Caius looked at him, his look slightly murderous.

"No, I will not be left to suffer!" He yelled angrily.

"That is not your choice to make, fratello." Aro explained, The blonde huffed in annoyance, and shot a bitchy look at Morgan.

Morgan rolled her eyes at Him in response, then gave Aro a thankful smile for shutting  Caius up. She huffed out a sigh and calmed herself as much as she could.

" I thank you for your honesty." Aro said with a smile, though Morgan could tell it was a front for how he was really feeling. She could also tell that it was the same with Marcus.
"Would you like me to walk you back to my quarters?" Marcus asked kindly as he made his way to her, she nodded in response. "Follow me." He said as he walked towards the door, she did as told.

The two of them walked down the hallway, it was quite between the two of them as they walked. For some reason it wasn't awkward, the silence, it was comfortable. Like Marcus did not expect her to talk.

  Morgan stayed in her thoughts as they made their way towards the room, she felt as though it would be wrong to reject them, to let them suffer. She began to feel selfish in her feelings . Was this the right situation to be selfish? Or was this her sign to let her walls down. She didn't know.

They finally made it to the room and Marcus opened the door for her and she walked in, flashing him a soft smile . All she wanted to do was go to bed and think through her feelings, maybe she will reach the right conclusion. The right course of action.

"Remember, Tesoro, If you need one of us just ask Santiago and he will take you to us." Marcus explained.

"Marcus, I'm being selfish aren't I?" She asked lowly, her voice slightly hushed. He shook his head.

"Not at all, you have your reasons for what you said. I might not know them, but I understand your decision." He said honestly. Marcus was a very understanding man, and would never want to force her into a decision when she wasn't ready.

"I haven't made a decision yet," She sighed. "Just give me time to think about it." She explained. And Marcus nodded.

"Of course Tesoro." He smiled softly. "We have eternity." He explained and then stepped out of the room and shut the door softly behind him.

She just wanted to scream, she just wanted this to end. To be a bad dream. What the hell was she supposed to do? Goddamn it.

Going to the bed she curled her legs into herself, and just let herself get lost in thought. The last thing she needed was to care about anyone, she knew she couldn't handle losing anyone else. But she questioned what it was exactly she was afraid of, was it her being scared of being loved? Or was it because she was afraid of herself?

  Eventually after about two hours of thought, she fell asleep.

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