🩸Chapter 11⚔️

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Morgan sat quietly as the kings explained their long past with not only the Moldavian coven but the Romanian coven as well. She listened intently as they described years of war and how the Volturi were the ones to come out on top.

Aro and Caius were the ones who did most of the talking, Marcus on the other hand stayed mostly silent. His face looked just how it did when Morgan had first saw him. Depressed and tired, Morgan tilted her head in question as she looked at Marcus, her focus now on him instead of the other two kings.

"But as I was saying, Jane and Alec made it an easy..."Aro said before looking at Morgan, "Cara Mia, are you even listening?" He questioned, his hands clasped together in front of him.

"W-what?" She said while bringing herself back to her senses. "Oh, sorry Aro. I'm just worried about Marcus."

"Oh don't worry about him, he'll be fine." Caius brushed off, Morgan tilted her head in annoyance.

"He doesn't seem fine, and it's all because you decided to open your mouth and say something you knew damn well would hurt him." She explained. Caius rolled his eyes his arms crossed over his chest.

"I was saying it as a dig at Aro, I had forgotten that Marcus was in the room." The blonde defended, Morgan couldn't stand his arrogance. Her face held annoyance at his excuse.

"You know, for a strategist you really don't think before you act do you?" Morgan retorted while crossing her arms as she continued to sit on the arm of Marcus's throne.

"And for a mate you are quite insufferable." Caius remarked, he looked quite offended by her comment.

"Good to know the sentiment is shared." She responded before turning her head back to Marcus. She gave him a worried look as he just sat there seemingly lost in thought. His red eyes seemed to be nothing but a void, but in his eyes she saw an all too familiar look. The look of one who as seen more than their fair share of death. The look of losing a loved one or someone close. "Marcus? Can you hear me?" She asked softly as she continued to watch his eyes.

There was no response, Morgan tilted her head in concern. How could she make things better? "Marcus, come on let's get you out of throne room." She said while getting up and holding her hand out to him in hopes he would take it.

  After a few moments he took her hand and stood up. "Good." She said with a soft smile before leading him out of the room. "Oh and one more thing before I leave. Caius, you better figure out a way to apologize or make it up to him." Morgan said while looking back at the blonde .

"Like I said he'll be fine." The blonde said while waving her off.

"Brother, it would be wise of you to do as our mate says." Aro warned, Caius laughed slightly.

"I'm a king, no one tells me what to do Aro. Marcus will be fine." Caius responded simply.

"Yes you may be a king, but she is our queen,dear brother. She is the very reason for our continued existence." Aro explained causing the blonde grumble in Greek under his breath.

"All of you are insufferable." Caius said with annoyance, part of him knew that Aro was right and there was no arguing about it.

Morgan rolled her eyes at the blonde and a gave a soft smile to Aro before leading Marcus out the door and towards his room

Once the two made it through the castle and to Marcus's chambers, Morgan sat the Burnett down on the bed, her eyes giving him a soft look of understanding as she did so.

  She wish she understood the extent of what happened to this Didyme, but she knew that Marcus was no where near okay to talk about it. Which was fine with her, she understood entirely. So now it was just her job to be there for him. Just like how she wished someone was there for here while she was struggling.

"Marcus, you don't need to tell me anything. But just tell me how I can be there for you and I will be." She explained softly. Marcus just dipped his head low in response, making him look like so sort of kicked puppy.

Morgan reached out for him and lifted his chin up so that he was looking up at her again. Her smile still soft and understanding as she observed him.

"Marcus, you are allowed to mourn. Don't worry about Caius's bullshit. I will handle that. You're not fine and I know that. And that's alright because I'm here for you." She explained while looking down into his eyes, a beautiful color of red that she couldn't help but let herself get lost in.

"I apologize Tesoro." Marcus finally spoke, Morgan tilted her with slight confusion but gave a warm smile anyway.

"Why are you sorry? There's nothing to apologize for." She explained softly.

"I shouldn't be reacting this way, it's no fair to you." Marcus said, his voice heavy with guilt and sadness.

"What do you mean it isn't fair to me, just because I'm new around here it doesn't mean you have to stop mourning who ever she was to you. I might not know the extent of everything and it's none of my business to know. But just know I would never tell you to stop mourning the loss of a loved one." Morgan explained wholeheartedly her eyes still looking into his.

With that Marcus wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face into her torso hugging her. Morgan was confused by the action for a brief moment before putting her arms around him as well. Her
Hand placing itself in his hair gently as she held him to her.

"I know I haven't made this easy for you boys, but I thank you for putting up with me." Morgan thanked softly as she continued to hold him. His grip unmoving. "I've got you Marcus." She said sweetly as her hand massaged his scalp lightly.

A few hours had gone by and Morgan and Marcus were now in the library. They both sat on the couch, Morgan cuddled up into Marcus as he taught her a few words of Italian as he read the book out loud. This was something that was out of Morgan's comfort zone, but she knew that Marcus needed her so she would do all she could to make him feel better.

"Well, I shouldn't be surprised should I?" Came the voice of Caius. Morgan rolled her eyes with a groan.

"And you're disturbing the peace why?" Morgan asked with annoyance.

"Because I can." He said simply. Marcus looked up from the book and to Caius. Closing his book he sighed.

"What is it brother?" Marcus asked simply.

"Oh it's nothing dear brother, I just enjoy pissing off our mate that's all." The blonde explained. "It's quite easy to do." He continued.

"Oh please, look at yourself blondie, all it takes is for someone to look your way at the wrong angle and it will piss you off." Morgan remarked.

"Will you two ever stop arguing?" Marcus asked as he looked down at Morgan.

"You might just have to deal with this all eternity." She teased, Marcus rolled his eyes.

"Welp, this will be one interesting adventure." Marcus replied while warping his arm around Morgan's waist. She smiled, truly staring to feel content for once.



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