🖤Chapter Two🖤

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3rd person POV:

There was a stillness to the air when Marcus caught sight of Morgan. The moment he locked eyes on her, his entire depressed and bored personality changed. At first he thought he was overreacting and just imagining things. But one look at the bonds confirmed the reason for his sudden joy.

  Caius noticed the change in Marcus right away,  The sudden change to the comatose king startled him ever so slightly. He looked to the person who had caught his brother's attention. It was a woman with long black hair hanging around her like a shadow, Her green eyes made something inside the violent king soften. Quickly with the notice in change of his own emotions, he looked at Marcus' question written on his face.

  Marcus looked at his Brother and noticed that Caius had a bond to the woman in front of them as well, Giving the blonde a slight nod to confirm his suspicions, Caius leaned back in his throne amusement and interest on his face.

  Morgan stood in the middle of the room, completely and utterly confused. She tilted her head at Marcus, beautiful deep red eyes luring her in. Though she was in a place crawling with vampires, she felt safe, she felt complet. A feeling that scared her immensely.
Suddenly, Morgan felt a third pair of eyes on her. Slowly she turned her head to look at the person. It was the black haired king, excitement and interest clear on his face.

"Ah, you must be the Morgan I have seen in young Edwards memories." Aro said, the eccentricness of his mannerisms never leaving. Aro walked closer to Morgan, his hand clamped together as he walked.

"Stay away from her!" Edward called out, walking towards Morgan slightly. Morgan whipped her head towards him, annoyance written all over her face.

"He isn't going to hurt me, I'm fine Ed, I can handle myself thank you very much ." Morgan explains plainly, her head turning back to the dark haired king.

"You are so very intriguing, Dear one." Aro started as he held out his hand to her. "May I?" He asked, a smile plastered on his pale features. She couldn't help getting lost in that smile, a smile that suited his eccentric nature.  Morgan looked from Aro's face down to his outstretched hand and took a deep breath, before stretching her hand out slightly.

"Morgan wait, you don't need to!" Edward interjected, before she could fully put her hand out to Aro.

"Oh stay the hell out of this Edward, you're the one who got us into this mess." Morgan replies,irritation laced in her tone. She looked at Aro and gave him a small respectful smile before placing her hand in his. 

Aro now had full access to her thoughts, it was a wonderful thing to see her life laid out in front of him. It warmed his dead unbeating heart to see how loved she was by her parents, her life was happy, normal. Till it wasn't. Watching her life change so drastically in a matter of seconds hurt him, watching her become less than a shell of her old self, watching all of the light, joy, and wonder leave her bright green eyes.

Watching her lose one person after another, her life became nothing but blood and death. It pained him to watch what darkness she has gone through in her short 22 years of life.

Aro's eyes unglazing, he looked at Morgan with sadness. Morgan just gave him a smile to say it was okay and she had no need for his pity. This was the shitty hand she had been dealt, and she accepted it. 

"You, Bellissima, are quite strong." Aro explained, his red eyes soft and kind. Something she wasn't expecting to see from a Vampire king. Removing her hand from Aro's she instantly missed his touch, it confused her as to why. "I will come back to you in a moment Cara Mia." He said before turning around and walking back to Edward and Bella. "Now, what do we do with you?" Aro asks, though it was a rhetorical question.

"You already know what you are going to do Aro." The once depressed and bored looking vampire answers. His eyes not leaving Morgan.

"The girl knows too much, she is a liability." The blonde haired king says, referring to Bella. Which deeply confused Morgan. What about her? She too knew too much.

"True, unless Edward plans to give her immortality." Aro says before turning to to look at Edward. " but that isn't your intention now is it? Shame." Aro continued. It Annoyed Morgan even more knowing that Edward in fact had no intention of turning Bella. So why the hell would he bring her into the vampire world, knowing damn well he was breaking the law.

The conversation continued, The blonde king constantly trying to start fights and Edward doing all he could to keep Bella out of harm's way.  Though watching Edward get his ass kicked by the bigger vampire from earlier filled her with immense joy. That's what you get dumbass. She told herself.  Knowing damn well Edward was reading her mind.

"My kings, If I may?" Morgan started after Alice had shown her vision to Aro.

"Go ahead Tesoro." Marcus gave permission for her to speak.

"I understand that Edward is a dumbass, and that is something I am extremely sorry for. But between Alice and I, I can assure you that Bella will be turned. Rather if Edward likes it or not." Morgan spoke, her voice laced with anger at the end of her sentence as she looked at Edward.

"But it isn't fair, what about Morgan. Why is there no ruling for her?" Edward complains.

"Oh don't you fucking dare bring me into this Cullen!" Morgan warns.

"You are just as human as Bella, why don't you have to be changed?" Edward continued to complain. Morgan rolls her eyes at the mind reader.

"Maybe it's because I'm not your mate, and Bella is. Or maybe we haven't gotten to that part of the trial yet,dumbass." pure irritation and anger starting to ooze off the jet black haired female.

"Young Morgan is correct, We have not gotten to her part of the trial yet." Aro confirms. "Though my brothers and I would like to hold her trial separately from this one." Aro continues  and Morgan tilts her head in confusion. Marcus gives her soft smile, one that makes her anxiety calm down right away. "You three are dismissed." Aro says to Edward,Bella,And Alice.

  Just like that, the three of them are ushered out of the room by two vampires, Edward protesting the whole  way to the elevator.  Turning around to look back at the thrones, it finally settled in. She was alone with the three vampire kings, and now she was on trial, or so she thought.

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