🥀chapter Three🥀

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Morgan's POV:

The atmosphere in the room was thick, though it wasn't  uncomfortable. I stayed staring at the thrones unsure how to go about these next couple of moments. Three pairs of red eyes stared at me, the attention made me feel slightly giddy, a feeling I quickly pushed away and did not acknowledge.

  Aro, the dark haired king walked towards me. Each step was careful, as if he was trying not to scare away an animal. Behind him, the other two kings stood from their thrones.

"My kings." I started respectfully, a slight anxiety gnawing away at me. "I promise that I had and still have every intention of turning." I continue, hoping that this wouldn't be my last day alive, though some part of me told itself that they wouldn't hurt me.

"That isn't what we are worried about Tesoro." The brown haired king said, his voice kind and soft as he walked over to Aro's side. I couldn't help but look at him, the entirety of his depressed persona was gone, and looked, for lack of a better word, alive.

"Then may I ask why this had to  be separate from the trial with the Cullens?" I asked, my voice strong and not showing any hint of fear.

"Because," The blonde king started. "This is a matter that I am sure the Cullens would be less than pleased about." He continued, his voice showing a slight anger when he said the Cullen name. I tilted my head at the three kings, confusion washing over me.

"Oh, and why is that?" I questioned, A slight attitude lacing my voice. I wasn't entirely pleased with the blonde's tone towards the Cullens. The blonde caught my tone and smirked slightly.

"Well, that's because-" The blonde started but was cut off by Aro.

"Caius, I believe it best that Marcus explained this." Aro explained, Caius scoffed slightly and crossed his arms over his chest like a child throwing a tantrum. I looked at all of them, my patience fading quickly. Aro turns to Marcus. "Brother, If you may." Marcus nodded before stepping towards me slightly. I was beginning to feel claustrophobic.

"Tesoro, are you aware of a thing called true mates? Or as some may call them soulmates?" Marcus asks, a part of me wanted to smile at the kindness and softness of his tone. But I refused to give into any of those soft emotions.

"Yes, why?" I ask, my tone flat.

"Well, I have the gift to see the bonds between all living things, bonds from family bonds to friend and enemy bonds." Marcus explained.

"Okay, where the hell is this going?" I question, Marcus gives me a small smile as if to tell me to be patient.   

" Well, I can also see the bonds between mates, true mates or soulmates."  Marcus continued, at this point my patience had finally worn out. The hell was this man getting at?

"Okay, stop with the explanation of your gift and just tell me why the hell I'm still here." I say, annoyance laced in my voice.

"What my brother is trying to explain is that it looks to us that you are our true mate." Aro finished the explanation. I just stood there dumbfounded for a long moment. The three kings just stared at me awaiting my response.

"Ha, that's funny." I laugh, but the look on Aro and Marcus looked serious. Caius looked amused by my response. "You're fucking with me right?" I ask,there was no response, now the kings were the ones standing dumb founded. "Right?"

"We are completely serious Tesoro." Marcus responded, his tone matter of fact.

"Well I'll be goddamned." I say in a whisper. It felt like the world stopped at that moment. This couldn't be happening, I can't let myself care for anyone, I can't.   I wanted to scream, but I didn't. I shut down all emotion. "So what now?" I ask my voice flat.

  Marcus gave a soft smile, and something told me everything would be okay, though I would rather it not. I should have stayed in Forks, where my life had just become somewhat normal, somewhat simple. Now I wonder if Edward exposing himself was all Alice saw in that vision. Goddamn it, they threw me in the fucking lions den.

"Santiago, Dear one, please lead young Morgan to one of our rooms." Aro said his hand clasped together in front of him. Seeming to appear out of nowhere was  a taller vampire, his dreadlocks half tied back. He gave the kings a slight bow before turning to me.

"Follow me Queenliness." He gave me a playful smile. Despite how much I wanted to protest, I decided to follow instead of causing problems. Something that was very out of character for me.

Walking out of the throne room, I follow Santiago down a long set of hallways. The old stone of the castle was cold, but there still was a comfortable feeling to the old hallways. I shouldn't feel comfortable, why am I comfortable? I should be fucking terrifed right now.

" So Queenliness,  what's it like being around those vegetarians?" Santiago asked, referring to the Cullens. 

"Well it's been perfectly fine till now, those assholes left me to the wolves to save their own skin." I explain, annoyance laced in my voice.

"Well that's just a reminder that you can't trust a vegetarian." Santiago said as we made our way through one of the hallways. I could already tell I would mix really well with his personality.

I just laugh in response slightly. "Yeah, I guess so." 

"Well here we are Queenliness." Santiago said as we stopped at a door. He opened the door and the  room was clean and one of the walls was covered in books, something that made me smile. I could never go wrong with a good book. "I figured Master Marcus's quarters would be more comfortable for you."  Santiago explained, with a friendly smile.

"Thank you Santiago." I thanked nicely. "Also please just call me Morgan." Santiago  just laughs slightly.

"Alright, Morgan. I will be out here guarding the door if you need me." He explains and I just give him a smile and nod before entering the room fully. The musk of old books filled my nose, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Well this was the last thing I had ever wanted, the last thing I needed was to care for anyone. Because they all either die, or betray me and leave me to fend for myself. I have never been able to count on any one, who's to say that this will be any different

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