🌗chapter one 🌓

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Forks Washington, the only place I have lived where I didn't feel as though I was an outcast. I moved here at 17 with my 4th foster family, my last foster family.

I remember being terrified to move to a whole different state, when I was so used to living in my home state of Nebraska. But all and all I accepted the change, hoping that leaving Nebraska would also leave the shadow of death behind.

Forks, was different. Its atmosphere felt like it had a secret to hide, something I more than related to.  A place where the sun rarely shined, a place that gave me some sort of belonging.

One of Forks biggest secret being the Cullens, The only group of people I had ever let myself get close to. The only people that had accepted me and all the darkness that came along with me.

Finding out that they weren't in fact human, didn't faze me. I had always figured that there was more to this world, than the simple humans and animals, things that go bump in the night as some would say.

I had figured them out pretty early on, as did Edwards Girlfriend Bella. Bella and I were good like that, investigative. Considering the way Edward used to act around her, It was more than obvious to her that something was up.

Their relationship was going strong, that was till a few months ago when Edward left Bella out of the blue after the disaster that was her 18th birthday. Something I just about hunted Edward down, to rip limb for limb for.   

These past few months, I have done everything I could do, to be there for Bella. For she is the only person I have ever felt extremely protective over.

So here I was on a plane to help Bella and Alice save the melodramatic Vampire known as Edward Cullen.  If he didn't succeed in his wish of death, I would sure as hell be the one to make the wish a reality.

"Do you think we will get to Italy on time?" Bella asked me as we made our way closer to our destination. Her anxiety and fear never ceasing. 

I turned my head to look at the worried brunette, her leg bouncing up and down with anxiety. "He better hope not, Because if the volturi doesn't kill him, I will." I responded, Bella went slightly wide eyed at this threat.

"Please don't Morgan." She pleaded, and I just gave a slight light hearted smile.
"I'm just saying, I care about you Bells. I don't want him thinking he is going to get off scot free." I say honestly, and she nodded slightly before turning her head to look out the plane window.

After another hour of flying and Bella radiating pure anxiety and worry, we finally touched down in Italy. Leaving Bella and I's side, Alice went to get a car. One I could only assume that she stole. 

Now here we were, driving down the Italian countryside rushing to volterra. Bella constantly asking if we were close . There was a weird feeling in my chest, something I just figured was adrenalin and maybe a slight anxiety about how this might go.

After about ten minutes of Alice's quick and reckless driving, the city of Volterra began to appear. The feeling in my chest only growing, something I now definitely thought was because of adrenalin.

Watching Alice in the rear view mirror,  her eyes suddenly had a distant far off look, one that only meant one thing, A new vision.

~Glory~ The Volturi Kings Where stories live. Discover now