~chapter 5~

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3rd Person POV:

SO there Morgan sat, alone in a room left to her own thoughts. Thoughts that caused debate to course through her mind. The more she fought herself on the right course of action, the more her head hurt and the more angry she became.

This should be an easy decision, but for whatever reason, Call it fate, call it karma. She didn't know what was the right decision and every inch of her body wanted to scream.

In her anger and frustration, she had restored to throwing the book she was reading across the room. A loud thud filling the room as the book hit the wall with a force hard enough that if it had hit someone in the head it would have knocked them out cold.

Rushing into the room after the sound of book hitting the wall was Santiago, His face slightly panicked and his stance ready to fight whoever was possibly attacking his Queen.

"Queenliness, Is everything alright?" Santiago asked after realizing there was no danger in the room. Morgan looked up at him, her face unreadable. "Morgan?" He questioned.

"Why would you care?" She asked an annoyed venom laced in her tone.
" Oh come on Kiddo, don't be like that." he responded walking over and sitting in the chair that previously Marcus occupied.

"Don't be like what?" She asked,though it was rhetorical. "I was just told that I am mated to three Vampires and the people that I hold dear could honestly care less about me being trapped in a castle in goddamn Italy, over 5,000 miles away from home! So please kindly tell me how the fuck I am supposed to be acting."  Morgan huffed out, frustration written all over her face.

Santiago Just looked at Morgan, dumbfounded. It certainly wasn't his goal to piss her off, but he had done just that. Something he so desperately did not want to do.

"My apologies," He apologized before continuing. " You're within your right to act however you would  like, but come on Queenliness, It's not that bad here."  She just gave him a bitch stare as he finished his sentence.

"Oh, Really?" Morgan scoffed her tone unamused.

"Come on Morgan, I wouldn't steer you wrong." Santiago replied, a playful look on his face.

"Ha, Yeah right." She laughed simply.

" I mean it, Come on Queenliness, just give it a shot. It won't kill ya." He explained.

"Being in a castle full of vampires, It very well could."  She retorted and he rolled his eyes.

Before Santiago could respond, the door opened to reveal Jane, Her demeanor oozing power.  Santi rolled his eyes at the smaller female as she entered the room.

"Queen Morgan is requested in the library." The Blonde said simply. Morgan wanted to protest and just stay in the room to ignore the kings, but she knew better than to do so.  She got off the window sill and walked towards Jane.

"Let's get this over with." Morgan huffed.

"That's the spirit, Queenliness !" Santiago cheered and Morgan threw him another  bitch stare.

"Follow me, my Queen." Jane said with a slight bow of respect, though it seemed forced .

  Down the hallway the two women walked, the hallways colder now that the sun had gone down. As the two neared the library anxiety panged in Morgan's chest, how she wished this was all a bad dream. How  she hoped she would wake up in her bed in Forks.

All this because of goddamn Edward and his melodramatic bullshit. Her mind huffed the annoyance and frustration spreading like wildfire.

Jane opened the door to the library and Gave a final bow to Morgan as she hesitantly walked into the room.

"Ah, Bellisama!" Aro started a happy smile on his lips. "Please do join us." He motioned to the chair he was previously sitting in.

  Morgan just nodded,and made her way to the chair and sat down. The three kings now stood to face her as she sat down.

Well, let the fun begin.


Sorry that this is another short chapter but I promise after this it will get into more of the plot and more of Morgan's trauma and backstory!

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