📚Chapter four 📚

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Third person POV:

After taking a few moments to look around the room, Morgan finally settled on reading a book. Out of the many books Marcus  had she found Shakespeare and decided that that was good enough.

  She grabbed the book and sat down on the window sill, her back against the wall, her legs crossed over each other. Quickly she let herself get lost in the pages. Hoping it would be enough to keep her from her thoughts.

Minutes turned into hours as she read, outside the sky had become black and the stars shone brightly overhead. All the people of Volterra had gone inside now, clearly afraid of the things that go bump in the night.

  Everything was quiet, peaceful, the only sound around being that of her one calm heart beat. Turning page after page, getting lost further and further into the book, she hadn't realized the red eyes staring at her.

"You seem to be enjoying that book." Marcus finally spoke, Morgan jumped slightly, dropping the book on her lap. Her head turned to the vampire quickly.

"Jesus." She breathed, trying to slow down her heart rate.

Marcus gave an amused laugh before speaking. "I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you."

  Morgan sighed lightly before turning around to face Marcus, her legs now hanging over the edge. Morgan took a moment to let his features ingrave themselves into her memory. His pale skin looked like that of a god, his smile suited him so much more than his previous bored expression. His deep red eyes held so much to them, a pain that she has more than enough experience with hiding deep within the red.

" How can I help you Marcus?" She asked, though she wanted to be annoyed, she couldn't. Not with Marcus.

Marcus looked at the black haired Girl, His face soft. "I just wanted to check in on you." He started. "I understand that this is a lot, I just wanted to make sure you were holding up." He explained, his concern seemed genuine.

Morgan smiled softly in spite of herself , mentally cursing herself for doing so. His concern did something to her and she began to hate the power he was holding over her.

"I'm holding up surprisingly well, though I'm not entirely sure how one should react in this situation." She responds and Marcus nods. "Though I think it's because I am desensitized to vampires and the unexplainable." She continues.


"Well, I will leave you alone and let you get back to reading." He smiled at her before turning around towards the door. "If you need me, just let Santiago know. He will lead you to us." Marcus continued as he reached the door.

Morgan thought for a  moment, then looked up to Marcus as he grabbed the door handle. " wait, how about you stay here and explain a few things for me." She called out, Marcus turned to her and nodded and walked towards her. Grabbing  a chair and sat down in front of her as she still sat on the window sill.

"Alright Tesoro, what would you like to know?" Marcus asked and Morgan sighed and began to ask her questions.

Question after question Marcus answered for Morgan, Everything from the bond that she shared with the three kings to the history of the Volturi. Morgan sat on the window sill, listening intently to everything Marcus said.

  "I have one last question for you,  it might be a bit personal though." Morgan explained to Marcus and he nodded slightly.

"Alright." He said simply with a small smile.

"Before you saw me, you looked depressed, may I ask what happend to make you that way?" Morgan asked, Marcus took a deep unneeded breath and prepared himself to explain. But before he could speak, someone entered the room.

"Master Marcus, I apologize for the interruption. You're needed in the throne room." The guard spoke as he walked half way into the room.

"Thank you Demitri." The Vampire king responds then looks to Morgan. "I apologize Amore, we will continue this conversation later." He smiled sweetly then stood up and walked out the door with Demitri in a flash.

  Morgan sighed to herself as the door shut, leaning back against the frame of the window she let her thoughts run wild. Maybe it wasn't too late to get out of this situation, just maybe she could escape and go back to her life in Forks. But the real question was, Did she really want to go back.

  Go back to the people that just left her here to save their skin. The people that gave her up like some sort of offering. Would people go looking for her if she never returned? What story were they going to come up with to tell Carlisle and Charlie?

  Did she want to go back, was being here really that bad? Would it open new opportunities? Maybe she should just let this play out, but it scared her, not the fact that she was a human in a castle full of vampires, but that it was very possible that she would fall in love with the three kings.

  Yeah, she had to leave. She couldn't handle the possibility of losing more people that she loved and cared for. She would rather die than go through that pain again,   but how? How would she leave?


Hey y'all, sorry that this chapter is short, it's a bit of a filler chapter. But I want to thank everyone who is adding this story to their reading lists and to all the people who are voting on this story! I love you all!

~Glory~ The Volturi Kings Where stories live. Discover now