📚Chapter Nine

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3rd Person POV:

The three kings sat on the couch in the library, looking at Morgan as she stood in front of the three men. She wasn't exactly sure how to go about this, but she just decided that it will go how it's supposed to.

"Go on Cara Mia, say what you need to." Aro smiled at her.
  She sighed deeply as she gathered her words, Marcus just gave her a reassuring smile and she gave him a weak one in return.

"I know that our first conversation didn't go too well."Morgan started and caius scoffed.

"That's an understatement."  Caius interrupted Morgan from talking farther. She just rolled her eyes at him and continued on with what she wanted to say.

"Anyway, I would like to apologize for the way I have been reacting to this entire thing."  She apologized and Aro and Mracus nodded.

"What happened to 'It's not my problem'?" The blonde king mocked.

"Do you not want it to be my problem?" She questioned him. "Because if that's what you want, you wont get an ounce of affection from me, for eternity."Morgan threatened with her arms crossed over her chest.

Caius's face dropped at this threat, Marcus and Aro just smirked at their brother in response.

"Who are you to threaten such-" The ever angry king began to yell but the jet black hair woman cut him off.

"You're on thin ice Blondie, in case you haven't realized, I have the power here right now." she explained, Caius crossed his arms like a child.

"She is not wrong dear brother." Marcus laughed lightly.

"Oh you stay out of this!" Caius growled in frustration.

Morgan found this more amusing than she thought she would. Eternity with these three started to sound more like an adventure than a personal living hell for a traumatized woman like her.

"Now as I was trying to say," Morgan began but was cut off by Jane pushing open the door quickly. All four people in the room looked at Jane, Aro tilting his head in question.

"I apologize for the interruption masters, but you are needed in the throne room urgently." Jane explained her voice quicker than usual, showing her urgency.

The kings immediately stood from the couch, Caius walking out of the room without acknowledging Morgan. Aro and Marcus both smiled kindly to her, Marcus giving Morgan a kiss on the forehead before leaving. Just like he did earlier. Aro just walked out the door behind his brother.

Leaving Morgan alone in the room, she just sighed in annoyance, what the hell could have been so important?

"You alright Queenliness?" Santiago asked as he walked into the library and sat down on the couch as Morgan still stood in the middle of the room.

"No, It seems that every time I want to go talk with the kings, something goes wrong or they have something to go do."  She began to rant. "What the hell is even so important that they had to go to the throne room immediately?" She asked genuinely and Santi sighed.

"I can't tell you that right now Queenliness." He responded and Morgan rolled her eyes. 

"Why the hell not?" She questioned.

"The kings will tell you when the time is right." Santi explained.   Morgan then began walking out the library and towards the throne room, each step having a purpose to it. " Woah! Morgan, where are you going?" Santiago asked as he caught up behind her

"To the throne room." She answered simply as she neared the doors of the throne room.

Sorry that this chapter is hella short, it's really just a filler. Get ready for the next chapter!! And get ready to meet some of my ocs!!!also I'm planning on only keeping the rest of the story 3rd person  POV .

~Glory~ The Volturi Kings Where stories live. Discover now