🩸Prologue 🩸

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Death is the only friend Morgan Vander as ever had, for it has clung to her like that of a shadow and has never let go.

  She has never understood why it had chosen her life, of all living things, to plague. Life after life it had taken from her, and she could do nothing to stop it.

  Morgan was 13 when her parents were both killed, a day of heart ache, confusion and fear that replays in her head constantly.

  She remembers that day vividly, the way the snow covered the ground with a blanket of white. The feeling of being safe and warm in side the car as her father drove.

  She remembers the way her mother beautifully sang the songs that came on the radio. Morgan her self occasionally joining in.

  Everything was peaceful and loving and well, normal, that was till it wasn't.

  She still remembers the feeling of the car meeting the black ice, the why her father struggled for control of the wheel. The swerving left and right and the screams of her once  peaceful mother as the car finally flipped.

  The car didn't just only flip, it rolled several times, each time bouncing the car off the ground, then back down again with tremendous force.

  Finally the rolling stopped and the car slid Down the street slightly on what was left of its mangled and twisted roof.

Everything was quiet, too quiet.  Morgan remembers waking up to the smell of Iron so thick in the air it made her nauseous as she hung up Side down in the vehicle.

She could see the dashboard covered in thick layers of blood and glass, as she unbuckled her self out of her seat and let her self fall to the roof that was now the floor.

Going up toward the front of the car she calls out to her parents, but no answer. The inside of car has now dropped considerably in temperature due to the snow and broken windows.

She looks at the passenger seat and she knows right away here mother is gone, her mother's once beautiful features were mangled and shredded by glass and other blunt force trauma. Her already fair complexion was about two shades paler than it used to be. Her jet black hair, now dyed red with blood .

Quickly, Morgan looks to the driver seat where here father is just about in the same shape as her mother. His skin several shades lighter than it used to be, his nice white button up shirt now dyed red with his blood. Shrapnel impaling his abdomen.

Morgan's breath hitches in her throat, cold and dry. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think, she couldn't cry. Everything just changed and she couldn't comprehend why?

Years later, Morgan had gone from foster home to foster home, the spirit of death still following her. She lost the only friend she had made at her new school with her first foster family, she lost a foster sibling that she had become very close to with her second family and so on.

But by the third family, Morgan had just accepted the fact that she was the bringer of death, and was apparently the reaper incarnate.

By the time she was 22, death was her only reliable companion. The only one that she knew would be there, always.

Damn, that's a dark way to start off the book.. anyway I hope you enjoy!!

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