💀Chapter Eight 💀

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When Morgan woke, the sun was shining brightly through the window, blinding her slightly as she opened her eyes. She felt groggy and her head pounded slightly.

Looking around the room, she saw that Marcus was still sitting at his desk reading one of the many books that he had. Almost as if he could sense her wake, he turned to her with a smile brighter than the sun that came through the window.

"Ah good morning Tesoro." He said warmly while standing up. The sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up, showing his arms up to his elbow.  His skin sparkling in the sunlight. He looked beautiful, she couldn't rip her eyes away from him. "How was the rest of your sleep?" He asked as he got to the bed and sat down on the edge of it next to her.

  Morgan's Jet black hair was a mess around her, but she could care less, She just sighed lightly before answering him.

"It was better, no disruptions." She explained with a smile, she wanted to give Marcus the same treatment she was giving Aro and Caius, but for whatever reason she found it unbelievably difficult to ignore him. He was just so sweet and was nice to see how much his personality had changed since she first saw him.

"That's wonderful," he said happily. "Would you like something to eat?" He asked and she quickly nodded her head.  "Alright, I will have Santiago get you something to eat." He said before quickly getting off the bed and rushing to the door, he said something she couldn't quite hear, but she knew Santi could.

Coming back to the bed, he sat where he did before. They just stared at each other for a long time, unmoving, the silence peaceful. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad. She thought. Shit no, what the hell was she thinking? 

He looked so happy with her around, and what kind of a person would she be to deprive him of that? Goddamn she really was being selfish. But she was scared, what if her dream became a reality, what would she do then? Being once again unable to save those she cared about, fuck , she felt helpless. Maybe she should give it a shot? It was just a dream right? And she had left the shadow of death behind in Nebraska, it couldn't have followed her.

"Marcus?" She said, cutting through the silence. He hummed an acknowledgement and then she continued. "I want to apologize for being selfish, if I am the person that makes you three happy and complet, who am I to take that away." she explained and he looked shocked slightly.

"There is no need to apologize,I understand your apprehension." Marcus said and Morgan shook her head.

"No, I need to, my frustrations are not with you three, they are with myself and the Cullens." Morgan started. "I'm just afraid, I am used to losing everyone I have ever cared about,  now I try not to get close to anyone, because I know that I can't handle another loss." Marcus nodded in understanding.

"That is very understandable Cara Mia." He responded, just then there was a knock at the door . "Come in." He said towards the door.

  In came Santiago a second later with a plate of food in his hands. Morgan couldn't be more thankful for something to snack on.

"Thank you Santi." Morgan said with a soft smile.

"Of course Queenliness." Santiago said with a bow. She just rolled her eyes laughing lightly as he handed her the food. "Oh, also I ran into Jane and Alec on the way here, you're needed in the throne room Master Marcus." he realaid to Marcus.

"Thank you Santiago," Marcus responded and Santiago bowed. "Alright Tesoro,  I will see you soon." He said with a smile and Morgan nodded.

"Alright Marcus,have fun." She joked slightly.

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