💀Chapter seven 🩸

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3rd Person POV:

She was in a place she didn't recognize, The place reminded her of the castle in Volterra. But it was anything but that. This was different, as she walked down the corridors there was a cloak on the floor, one that resembled one of the volturi higher guard's.

She crouched down near it and picked it up to inspect it, then her heart jumped to her throat as she uncovered the ashes underneath it.  What the hell happened here?

Dropping the cloak, she quickly stood up and began to look around the building. There was  the sound of arguing and yelling coming behind the two large doors in front of her. Taking a deep breath she opened the door.

  The sight she was met with made violence rage throughout her veins. Marcus, Aro, and Caius were being held to their knees in front of four other vampires.  Jane was held against a wall, a vampire with a shield gift blocking her from being able to use her gift. Her neck forming cracks from how hard she was being held back.

  On the ground was a cloak, it definitely belonged to that of the elite guard, and seeing that Alec wasn't anywhere to be seen, it must have been his. That would explain Jane's pained screams of anguish. 

  Demitri and Felix were held to the ground. Their faces pushing into the stone floor below. Screaming curses in Italian.

"Ah, Queen Morgan, I'm glad you could join us." The person in front of Aro spoke, his Romanian accent dark and deep . A smug grin spread across his lips. That Bastard . His murderous red eyes staring straight into her soul. His dark hair curled around his face.

"Let them go!" She demanded, the man just laughed.

"I'd rather not," He started. "This is so much more fun." He said darkly.

"Morgan, Tesoro, run, get out of here!" Marcus yelled while trying to fight out of the hold of the vampire holding him down.

"No she vill stay here and vatch as ve destroy all that the volturi is." The vampire said darkly with a sinister laugh.

Behind Morgan, hands gripped her tightly and held her back, Morgan struggled against the hold. The kings looked at her with concern and she continued to fight against the vamp holding her in place.

"Now, vho should I end first?" The lead vamp asked rhetorically as he walked back and forth in front of the three kings. He hummed while acting like it was a hard decision who to kill first. 

"Me, Kill me first!" Morgan begged, the man laughed in response.

"Now vhere's the fun in that?" He asked as his pacing finally came to a stop in front of one of the kings. "Don't worry Cel Mic, I've already made a decision." He said with a sinister smirk.

"No! Please! Kill me! Please!" she cried as she fought against the asshole holding her back.

"Today marks the end of the Volturi! May those vho are superior alvays reign!" He said while grabbing a fist full of Marcus's hair and taking his head clean off with in the blink of an eye. Another man came up from behind the leader and a flame started in his hand and laughed while setting fire to Marcus's decapitated body  then to his head.

Gut wrenching scream left Morgan's mouth as his body became nothing but ash, she could feel a snap in her chest.  The bond severed. Caius and Aro growled in anger and sadness at the loss of their soul brother.

Morgan woke suddenly and slight sob leaving her mouth as she shot up from her lying position. She looked around the room, her chest heavy. It was just a dream? But it felt so real. She struggled to catch her breath.

Noticing his distressed mate, Marcus quickly made his way across the room from the desk he had been sitting at, concern racing through his mind.

"Tesoro? What's wrong?" He questioned as he made it to the bed where Morgan still struggled to catch her breath. 

"It's nothing." She quickly tried to hide her emotions. But Marcus just shook his head.

"Tesoro, Please tell me what troubles you." Marcus pleads. "You can always tell me anything." He said softly.

"It was nothing Marcus, no need to worry." Morgan reassured him.

"There is no need to hide your emotions Morgan." He explained with a soft caring smile. How could she explain her dream if she herself didn't even understand it? What the actual hell has happened  her life?

"I-I can't even explain it, it makes no sense to me. It just came out of nowhere, it felt so real, like it hasn't happened yet but it's destined to happen." She explained trying to wrap her head around it. Marcus nodded.

"So it was more of a premonition than a dream?" He questioned and she nodded.

"Yeah." She said simply.

"Well, you can tell me about it when you are ready, I will not push you." He said and she smiled weakly with a nod. "Has this happened to you before?" He asked while tilting his head slightly.

"No, Never." She shook her head. And Marcus hummed in thinking.

"Would you like anything?" He offered.

"No, Everything is okay, I'm Okay." She lied. "Thank you Marcus." she said kindly.

"Well if you change your mind, I will be sitting just over here, Okay Tesoro?" He said while pointing over to his desk near the window she was sitting at earlier. She nodded. " now get some sleep." He continued.

"I will try." She once again gave him a weak smile and laid back down on the bed and thought over her dream. What could it mean? Was it a premonition or just a dream of an overly tired and overactive mind? She really hoped it was just a dream. God did she hope. 


Oh no! What could Morgan's dream mean? How will this dream fuel her decision to accept her bond with the kings? I'm also very excited to introduce the big bads of this story fully!! Also I am very sorry for this chapter 😂 it hurt me to even write let alone think it. Baby Marcus must be protected at all costs!! Also holy shit two chapters in one day? I'm on a fucking roll! Thank you to everyone who has been reading this story so far and voting! Please tell me what you think of it so far! Is that anything in particular that you would like to see? Please let me know!!

~Glory~ The Volturi Kings Where stories live. Discover now