🩸Chapter 12🩸

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As the days went on, Morgan became more comfortable with being around the Volturi. Though a big part of her was still apprehensive about her current situation.

  Though she didn't really call it a situation anymore, but more of a slightly inconvenient change to her life.

  It was easy for her to get along with Marcus and Aro, but the same couldn't be said for Caius. They were both constantly at each other's throats. Aro found it amusing and well, Marcus just shook his head in annoyance each time an argument started.

Morgan sat on the arm of Aro's throne as he and Marcus began filing her in on the trial they had just finished.

Caius on the other had sat on his throne quietly and watched as the three talked. He watched Morgan's every facial expression and her body language. It was clear to him the she was comfortable in their presence now.

The only reason he had been giving her a hard time was to not get too close to her if she had decided to leave them. He wouldn't allow himself to get close just to end up hurt in the end. Unlike his brothers who jumped straight at the opportunity to get close to their mate, he distanced himself out of self preservation.

Morgan was watching Aro as he explained in great detail the crimes that the last vamp on trial had committed. Though she couldn't help but feel a certain pair of red eyes staring her down.

"Caius, if you keep staring at me like that you might burst into flames." Morgan said nonchalantly to the blonde.

"What, so am I not allowed to look at you now?" Caius responded as he crossed his arms.

"I never said that." Morgan replied simply as she looked at him. "All I'm saying is that you might hurt yourself if you keep looking at me like that." She teased.

"Ha, as if I'd waste that much energy to look at you." The blonde king scoffed causing Marcus to roll his eyes while saying something in Italian under his breath. "What was that dear brother? I don't think i quite got that?" Caius said acting like he couldn't understand Marcus's mumbling.

"Oh don't start that, you heard me just fine." Marcus said Bordley.

"No I don't think I did, mind sharing your thoughts with the class?" The blonde mused.

"I said.." Marcus began, but suddenly the doors to the throne room burst open. In entered the Holloway  brothers, extremely concerned looks on their faces.

"Milliano, my dear what brings you back so quickly?" Aro asked as he quickly made his way down to the three brothers. The oldest of the three reached his hand out to Aro urgently. Aro quickly took Milliano's hand in his and began reading everything possible.

After a few seconds, Aro dropped the spy vamp's hand suddenly almost as if it hurt him. Milliano just nodded at Aro as if to tell him what he saw and heard was true.

"This is more troubling than I originally anticipated.." Aro said with a concerned look. Morgan tilted her head before walking up to Aro's side.

"Aro, what is it?" She asked as the energy in the room became suffocating.

"The Moldavians now have a set date for their attack against us." Aro said lowly as if lost in thought. Marcus and Caius looked at each other, small snarls leaving their lips at the thought of a coming war when they in fact now have a very human mate.

"What's the date?" Morgan asked being the only one in the room keeping a level head.

"A months time my queen." Milliano answered after a few moments of Aro not responding.

"well that doesn't give a lot of time for strategy now does it?" Morgan pondered. Before looking at the older Holloway brother. "Do we know the power of this secret weapon of theirs  yet?" She asked trying to gather more information.

The middle brother, Miles took a step forward and gave a slight bow before talking.

"It's unlike anything we've ever seen. We're not sure how he does it, but all he has to do is look at a vamp and suddenly they are screaming in pain and their body starts sizzling then they collapse and completely crumple." Miles explained, Marcus tilted his head.

"So it's a gift much like yours Tesoro." Marcus observed. Morgan just nodded as did Aro.

  About an hour later, Morgan and the king's sat in the library. Or more like Marcus and Morgan sat down and Aro and Caius paced around the room.

"So what's our plan of action Aro?" Caius asked frustratedly as he paced back and forth.

"Don't look at me, last I checked you're the strategist." Aro responded simply.

"Well we are way beyond strategy, we are on the brink of war with a very human mate and with no time to train the guard! So what do you suggest I do?" The blonde explained, Morgan sighed while thinking. Then suddenly a thought hit her.

"Alright boys I'm going to stop you right there," she began, quickly Caius and Aro looked at her. "Why don't we even the playing field by using me as our secret weapon?" Morgan explained and suddenly growls fills the air.

"Absolutely not! You are not being put in danger!" Caius explained the other two kings nodded in agreement.

"Oh so you do care about me?" Morgan mussed before continuing. "We don't have much of choice now do we? I have the same type of gift as this Moldavian secret weapon, so why not use me to throw them off guard and make them realize that this weapon of theirs really isn't that special." Morgan explained hoping that they would agree.

"We are not putting our human mate on the battlefield." Caius said not relenting to reason.

"Caius, we have an opportunity to throw them off guard, why not use it?" Morgan tries to reason.

"Because if you die, the Volturi falls." The blonde said simply, hoping that she would stop pursuing this idea of hers.

"Y'all have done just fine without me for the past 3,000 years, I think you will be just fine." She responded not believing she could be that important to the kings or let alone to the coven as a whole.

Caius quickly grabbed hold of Morgan's arms and looked down into her eyes seriously. "Listen to me, we can not lose you." He said lowly. "We can not risk you on the battlefield, we will figure something out." He continued. Morgan just looked up at him, it was interesting to see his reaction to what seemed to her to be something that was no big deal.

"Caius, what kind of  'Queen' would I be if I just locked myself away at the first sign of danger? What kind of Queen would I be if I didn't stand with my kings in a time of war?" Morgan explained genuinely.

"You'd be an alive one, that's what you'd be." The blonde responded.

"Maybe so, but I'd also be a coward. I'm no coward. If I have the power to level the playing field then why not use it? We will lose less of the guard that way and it will keep you three alive." She said, not relenting in her plan.

"Morgan, please listen to reason." Caius begged slightly her arms still lose in his grip.

"No you listen to reason, Jane and Alec can only do so much. And everyone knows about their ability's. But no one knows about mine, they all just think I'm some poor helpless human, why not use that to our advantage and turn the tables. Your a strategist, you can see why this plan would work." She explained, her voice softer than it's ever been while speaking to the blonde king.

Caius wanted to continue to shut her idea down, all he wanted was for her to be safe as did the other two kings. But some part of him knew she was right, they had no plan, they had no time to hunt for more vampires with extraordinary abilities, they only hand Jane, Alec and well, they had Morgan. The blonde sighed deeply while letting his head dip down slightly in defeat before looking at the jet black haired woman.

"God damn you Belissima.." Caius sighed. "Why do you have to be right?" He said softly with defeat clear in his voice.

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