⚔️Chapter Ten⚔️

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3rd Person POV:

In the throne room stood three vampires in front of the three kings. These Vampires were well known to the volturi for being spies on covens that were not Allies . The Holloway brothers.

The eldest of the three,  Milliano, held his hand in Aro's and allowed the man to read every last thought and memory. Behind Milliano was his two younger brothers, Miles and Milo. Their red eyes watching Aro's reaction to what they have learned from one of the opposing covens.

"That," Aro started as he let go of Milliano's hand. "Is very worrisome." He continued as he walked up back towards his throne.

"You see why we came as fast as we did, Aro, this may not end in the Volturi's favor." Milliano explained and Caius tilted his head in confusion.

"Aro, Mind explaining?" Caius asked and The raven Haired king just nodded in response.

"You see dear brothers, It seems that the Moldavian coven is planning a war." Aro Responded simply, though his voice held a slight anxiety to it.
Both Marcus and Caius looked at Aro in hope he was joking, but there didn't seem to be a lie to his words. Both of the kings looked away from Aro then looked at The Holloway brothers.

"Are you sure about this Milliano?" Caius asked while sitting up in his throne.

"I couldn't be more sure King Caius, Lucentiu couldn't be any more clear in his intentions." Milliano assured, his brothers nodding in agreement behind him.

"Shit.." the blonde king said quietly as he leaned back in his throne.

The throne room went silent as everyone tried to process what had just been said.  Now was the worst time for a war, but of course Lucenitu knew that somehow.

"Lucentiu has been recruiting gifted Vampires, one of the Vampires gifts blow Jane and Alec's out of the water." Miles explained, causing Jane and Alec to look at each other then at Miles in question.

"What is this vampire's gift?" Aro questioned.

"It's difficult to explain my king, but I know it's extremely lethal to vamps." Miles said and Caius sighed in frustration.

"So much for Jane and Alec being a secret weapon ." The blonde said, causing Aro to turn his head to his brother quickly.
Morgan walked in at that moment, before Aro could respond to Caius's comment. Morgan Walked up to the Thrones not caring about the 3 different Vamps in the room.

"Tesoro, why are you here?" Marcus asked as she stood next to his throne .

"Well, Just wanted to make sure that no one would get attacked by an accused Vamp again." She lied as she sat on the arm of Marcus's throne. Caius gave Marcus a jealous stare.

Milliano,Miles,And Milo just gave an interested look towards the human.  They found it interesting that the human in the throne room seemed to have the three kings' attention almost simultaneously.

"So who are these guy's? It doesn't look like they are on trial." Morgan questioned while looking at the three vamps in the middle of the room.

Aro gave a small smile as he made his way towards her, He seem anxious and slightly unnerved , Morgan just tilted her head at him.

"These three, Mia Regina, Are the spies for the volturi. They are almost unknown to every coven outside of us. Which makes  it easy to spie on unsuspecting covens." Aro explained and Morgan nodded.

"Our Queen." The three vamps said in unison while bowing towards her.

"So if they are spies, why are they here? Is there something to worry about?" Morgan asked and Aro just sighed, thinking of his answer.

"It seems that a coven is planning war against us." Marcus responded before Aro could. Morgan went slightly wide eyed, but did what she could to hide her emotion.

"Well shit." Is all she responds with.

"Milliano, Dear one, please continue your surveillance of the Moldavia coven and the second you get more information, please let us know." Aro said while turning around towards him.

"Of course my king." Milliano Bowed in respect and his brothers did the same. Just as quickly as they bowed, they were out the door of the throne room.

Everyone in the room made no sound, everything was quiet. The only thing being heard was Morgan's heartbeat and breath. 

The room felt heavy and it gave Morgan anxiety, subconsciously she moved closer to Marcus for some sort of comfort.  She hadn't realized she had gotten closer to him, till he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in comfortably.

"What did I tell you Aro! We should have gotten rid of the Moldavians and Romainians a long time ago!" Caius began to yell at his brother. Both Marcus and Morgan watched in silence.

"Please do not start this Caius." Aro responded simply as he sat at his throne.

"Start what? Because of you we now have war on the horizon!" caius yelled.

"Oh please, how is it my fault? Aren't you a strategist? Shouldn't have you been the one to see this coming?" Aro questioned, his voice bored  and monotone . Everyone could feel the anger oozing off the Blonde. "And yet you failed to see this coming." Aro continued.

"Oh just how you failed to see Didyme's death coming?" Caius retorted.

Now the room fell deathly quiet, Marcus flinched slightly at the mention of his dead wife, one he had not yet had the chance to tell Morgan about. If caius wasn't his soul brother, he would have ripped the blonde king to shreds. Instead he just held Morgan tighter to him. Morgan looked at him with concern then looked back at a now unbelievably Pissed Aro who was not standing and stalking towards Caius.

Morgan felt lost, confused. What the hell was going on? And who the hell is Didyme ? Aro now resorted to yelling at Caius in what seemed to be Italian and Morgan and Marcus just sat there dumbfounded, neither of them knowing how to go about the situation.

"Will the both of you shut the hell up?" Morgan eventually yelled. Both Aro and Caius immediately stopped in their tracks. "Thank you." She said as they quieted. "Now both of you grow the hell up and let's talk about a plan of action. Fighting will not help the situation."

"You're very right, Mia Regina."Aro responded and sat down at his throne again. Morgan now slid out of Marcus's grasp and stood in front of the three kings.

"Now, Tell me about the Moldavians." She said calmly.

Oh boy.... This is going to be fun! Get y'all's popcorn ready...

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