Oww! Oww! Oww! Every step I took hurt. It was like I was walking on needles. I changed out of my heels, slipped back into my slides and started limping my way to the limo. Caleb and Justin looked genuinely concerned for my wellbeing while Soleia thought this was the funniest thing since the 'I coulda dropped my croissant' vine. "Yo, you ok? You were going pretty hard on the dancefloor?", Caleb asks. "I could carry you to the car, if you want.", Justin adds. "Oh stop it you guys. She's fine. I brought some extra Tylenol in my bag just in case one of us needed it.", Soleia said.
"My...feet...feel...like...jell-o. Help...me...before...I...fall...on...my...", I start before nearly hitting the ground. At least the boys had the sense to catch me. Best friends on the other hand will make fun of you before they actually help you. And that's exactly what Soleia did. "Sorry sweetie.", she chuckles before handing me two pills and a bottle of water. I take the pills and the guys helped me to the car.
"Looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves.", Musa joked. "Yep we definitely did Musa.", Caleb replied. Since I was in a lot of pain he dropped me and Soleia off first. After we got inside, I immediately chuck off my shoes and stamp my sore feet upstairs. Soleia lingered downstairs for a bit to put our extra food in the fridge before making her way upstairs. I went to the bathroom to wipe off my makeup and get ready for bed. It was now 11:30 and I have to leave her place before 9 tomorrow to get ready for church.
Once we were both settled in we started to speculate a little bit. "I wonder how many people are gonna need to ask for forgiveness after their actions on the dancefloor.", she started. "Twerking and grinding on the dancefloor is light work for high school students Leia. Some people are going to Gracie's afterparty and some are putting the work in on the bed right now." "I know at least one couple that could be doing that right now..." "Who?" "Emmanuel and Jessica."
"Ughh! Don't mention that bastard's name.", I groaned. "Why? Did something happen tonight?" "He hit on me while Jessica was in the bathroom. He didn't even acknowledge my existence until he saw me in that dress, and he probably thought I was a complete stranger at first. Then he went back to acting like an arse once he realized it was me. Luckily Justin was there to save me. And his hormones I guess cause once Jessica came back they left." "Ooh that boy is lucky I wasn't there. It's on sight next time I see him. " "He's not worth the suspension. The year's almost over anyways. Speaking of the end of the year, what did your parents say about your schooling situation next year?"
"Yeah, I'm staying in Tampa, at least until the end of next year." "Oh thank god. I got another year with my bestie, but it sucks that we'll be going to different schools though." "Girl we'll be alright. This won't be like last time. We both have cars and phones now. And boyfriends...", she joked. "I don't know about that last part though.", I said shakingly. "What do you mean?....Onya Imani Adams, you still haven't told Justin that you're going to that school!"
"Not the full government name. But no Soleia Chantelle Williams, I haven't told him because I don't know how to tell him. We've just been vibing, and I don't know how you go from that to dating or being in a relationship." "By taking a leap of faith, there's no handbook to relationships but at least you know the feelings mutual. If you two want to be in a relationship, you're gonna be in a relationship. Anyways, I'm going to bed goodnight." "Night."
The next morning I woke up around 7:30 to pack up my stuff, get something to eat, and shower. I'll get dressed for church when I get home. Before I left I hugged Soleia goodbye and said bye to her parents. Before I started my car I heard a notification go off. It was a text from Justin.
Justin: I really had a great time last night 'babe' ;)
Onya: Me too, thanks for playing along. You really saved me.

Twisted Gems
AventuraOnya is a weird girl that doesn't really have many friends but she is ambitious to be successful. One night something happened and her life won't be the same. Will she uncover all the twisted gems?