Am I hallucinating? Soleia my best friend from 7th grade is here in front of me. Nah that can't be right she moved. Most of the people who were friends with me and move away always seem to forget about me. Even though now I'm getting more recognition i still feel unnoticed. Can I really trust these people? They barely even know me.
Why did I go that party? I don't want to be popular I just went to prove a point. I don't think it can get any worse. Hope I'm wrong. "Soleia is that you?" "Yeah how have you been best friend?", she replied. "It's been pretty hard not having a best friend by your side. I've been more of a pessimist than people pleaser. I thought you moved to Chicago. " "I did but the high school I went to had a malaria and Aids outbreak so I had to leave. Kids were doing some real nasty stuff so now I'm back in Tampa. I should have kept more in touch with you.", she continued. "It's not your fault it wasn't your choice to move. Why don't we meet up tomorrow night and catch up?", I suggested. "Sure, I didn't change my number so let's exchange.",Soleia responded. After we exchanged phone numbers we waved goodbye to each other and went to class.
Never expected for someone I knew years ago to still remember me. They never do because the people who I did know look at me and act like they never knew me. Oh wow I just wasted 20 of my extra minutes talking to Soleia I wonder if I even have some time to study.
I'm not the biggest fan of language arts but a like it enough to pass. I even won the class spelling bee 3 years in a row but I can't do it in front of the school. All those cameras, all the adults, students and the contestants waiting for you to mess up i just can't do it. But after all that thinking I finally made it to language arts. I don't know how some people are failing language arts. It's literally the easiest class you can pass. If anything I can see why people are failing algebra 2. That class is hard I'm barely passing with a 74.
Once I got in the classroom I immediately checked the time. It's 8:09 I still have a few minutes to spare. I'm still overwhelmed that I came from a party and woke up in the same night. " Hey!Good morning Onya.", Ms. Little said. "Morning Ms little." "You look a bit tired you have enough energy to take the quiz. It's a bit long like 17 questions long." 17 questions! What kind of quiz has 17 questions it should just be a test. "Yeah I'm fine did you come up with this quiz yourself . You don't usually give us long quizzes. They're usually 7-8 questions,"I asked. "Nope the school decided we give you this long quiz so I'm going to count it as two grades: A quiz and a test grade." That's great I thought as I went to my seat.
I quickly opened my backpack and got my notebook with my notes in it. I think she said it will be on authors purpose, character development and tenses. It's a good thing I took a lot of notes about them. But still what kind of quiz has 17 questions. Those officials must be on that stuff huh. How nice of her to make this two grades. I spent the last minutes reading over my notes until the principal came on the intercom with the announcements.
The principal basically talked about the 11th graders having a language arts quiz, there is going to be a spring fling dance coming up and that they need volunteers to help plan, and also they are having a bunch of spring themed desserts in the cafe, the seniors were going to have a college fair and etc. Most of the things she said has to do with spring. I wonder if that's her favorite season. And as the bell for third period was about to come in the last few students arrived.
"Good morning class. I know you don't want to have a quiz this early and if you came early I told you this quiz is 17 questions. Since it's way to long for a quiz in decided that I'm going to count it as both a quiz and a test grade. So I hope you studied and got a great night sleep because it's gonna come in handy. Good luck in advance and I'm going to start handing out quizzes in 2 minutes." I used that time to get my pencils and chewing gum in case I need it to stay awake. "Ok I'm going to start handing out quizzes now. You have until the fourth period bell rings to complete this. When you're done turn it in to my desk and you can use your phones only if you have headphones. If not you can draw or work on any assignments you need to do.", Ms little finished.

Twisted Gems
AdventureOnya is a weird girl that doesn't really have many friends but she is ambitious to be successful. One night something happened and her life won't be the same. Will she uncover all the twisted gems?