Before I left my house i whispered to myself. "You got this Onya. Just don't mess up. Who knows maybe he will like me. I better not keep him waiting". I opened the door and headed outside to Emmanuel's car. "Wow Onya. You look gorgeous." he said. Dammit Onya don't blush. I brushed it off with a "Thanks." I hopped into his car and we pulled out of my driveway. I'm about to get my eat on!
He turned on the radio and basically rode in silence for half of the ride. This is so awkward. I wonder how he feels. Well I gotta say something. "That's a nice suit. It looks good on you." "Thanks. I made sure I looked my best for you baby." and winked at me. Why you hormones we haven't even got to Red Lobster yet. Calm down girl. "We're here."
Emmanuel stepped out of his car and open the door. "After you madam". What a gentleman. It was now 8:57 in the night. He was such a douche when I first talked to him and now I'm head over heels over him. I'm not an expert at flirting. He's probably done this many times with other girls prettier than me. I'm gonna get some delicious seafood, have some desert and taste the night away.
Since it was pretty late considering that they closed at 10:30 there were only a few people waiting for a table. In less than 10 minutes we were already seated and choosing a dish for dinner. "Again you look so good in that dress", he said. Oh my god how many times is he going to compliment me tonight, I thought. "Thanks. I never knew you liked seafood ," I said. "Well there's a lot of things that you don't know about me Onya", he replied. He's right we never really had a proper conversation before, besides when he called me a weirdo and asked me out. But that's all gonna change tonight.
After he said that there was a lot of things i didn't know about him a waiter came to our table. "Hi I'm Pamela but you can call me Pam or ella for short. I'll be your waiter tonight. What would you like to eat?" Dang that was a handful, I thought. "I'll have the popcorn shrimp, shrimp Alfredo and a small salad with a sprite ", I replied. "And I'll have the lobster tail, salmon and shrimp with a sprite as well", Emmanuel followed up. " Alright your food will be served in the next fifteen to twenty minutes. Would you guys like some biscuits to start off with?" We both followed up with a "yes!". Pamela then went to go place our orders.
Ugh what should I ask him.....maybe could ask him about his favorite things. "So what do like to do in your spare time?" "Usually I like to watch football and basketball, I'm even on the schools basketball team. I play video games and talk to girls." Oh he likes talking to girls hmm. Probably nothing special. "I watch youtube, design my own clothes, well...some of them, and write stories." "Write your own stories, you're such a nerd. It's pretty cool that you can make your own clothes it's kind of cute too." Did Emmanuel Jordan just call me a nerd and cute at the same time? Oh heck no he isn't getting away with this. "Says the person who considers talking to girls as a hobby. If anyone here is a nerd and a cocky jock here it's you", I replied. "Oh look who came out of her shell and is getting feisty now". You know I just found the quickest way to shut him up food. Before I could even get a plate he was already hammering the biscuits. When was the last time this boy ate? Gosh.
Luckily I managed to snag two biscuits for myself and finally dinner and drinks were served. Ooh this food looks so good i can't wait to devour this deliciousness. We barely said a word to each other because were so focused on the food. This was the best food I ate in a long time. But you can't have a complete dinner without dessert. I got two slices of the vanilla bean cheesecake topped with white chocolate shavings and fresh strawberries. I also asked for some more biscuits too to add as takeaway. I don't want this boy side-eying my food. Pamela came back with my food and the restaurant bill. It was over 117 dollars and 13 cents. So Emmanuel decided to pay with his credit card which i didn't know he had and I left a 15 dollar tip. But that 117 dollars was worth it though.
I took my bag and we left around 10:05 in the night. When we entered his car i felt like saying the first thing that came to my mind which was "I can't believe I ate that much food. You totally spoiled me",I said. "Well I didn't tell you to get a big meal with two slices of expensive cheesecake and extra biscuits" he replied. We laughed it off and listened to the radio until we got to my house.
We arrived at my house at 10:30. "You know I had a lot of fun tonight." "Yeah I did too. Goodnight gorgeous" he started. "Goodnight handsome....I mean Emmanuel" I replied. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and handed me a bouquet of red roses. I stepped out of the car and waved bye to him as he pulled out of my driveway.
I grabbed my key from my purse and entered my house. It seemed like they all fell asleep. I opened the fridge and made sure I hid my food so my brothers and sister don't eat them. I tip-toed up the stairs to my bedroom. I removed my shoes and went to the bathroom to take off my makeup, wash my face and use the bathroom. After I finished doing my business i changed into my nightgown, put on my head wrap and went to sleep. What a night.
Before I knew it it was already Monday and I had woken up so early my alarm didn't go off yet. Wait for it 3...2....1 BEEP! BEEP! There it is. Time to start this cycle all over again. I dragged myself to the bathroom and got ready. As soon as I opened my closet I grabbed the first outfit I saw and went downstairs. I ate a pack of granola bars , grabbed my backpack and shoes and went to school.
When I got to school everybody just stared at me like I just took someone's life. I could even hear some people whispering as I walked to my locker. Then my classmate Jessica came up to me and asked "Are you and Emmanuel dating?" What kind of stupid question is that? "You know I really don't know. I haven't even talked to him yet." Next thing you know five other kids ask me the same question. That's when I had enough.
I went up to Emmanuel and asked "Did you mean what you said on Friday? Did that kiss mean something to you?". "What? Why would that mean anything to you. I barely even know you. Look the only reason I asked you out was to make sure you and other people didn't see me as a jerk. There's no way in hell that I'll ever like a weirdo like you. Get over yourself you crazy little girl." I can't believe that all that money, all that makeup, all that flirting and compliments meant nothing to him. I knew I should have never said yes. My eyes started to water. "Screw you Emmanuel!", I said. "Screw you!"

Twisted Gems
AdventureOnya is a weird girl that doesn't really have many friends but she is ambitious to be successful. One night something happened and her life won't be the same. Will she uncover all the twisted gems?