I'm really going to mess up my sleep for some Taylor Swift wannabe. I don't regret buying this outfit though. I have never looked so trendy. Time to open Google maps. Looks like the place is 22 minutes from here. Watch out people, Onya Adams is about to slay you with her good looks.
I went to the garage to get my bike and made sure I opened it quickly and quietly. Alright now that I got my transportation out of the way it's time to go. What am I even going to do there anyway. People don't talk to me. If anything everyone will be all over Jessica and Gracie anyway since it's their party. What if they invited me there to make me look stupid? Wait I can't look stupid because they probably won't be looking this good. Ha!
Hope it doesn't get cold later. If it does her house better be warm and toasty. I think I'll text Justin later and tell him that I'll be over at his place on Wednesday. Can't imagine how he'd be like if he came. After all that thinking I probably should have biked a lot. So it says I have 11 more minutes. I'm pretty sure some music will make the time pass by faster. "I'm so fancy. You already know I'm in the fast lane from LA to Tokyo." Oh that song will never get old. "If I want you, I'll let you know. If I'm in the mood, I'll let you know. And if I'm liking what I see then I might let you next to me. I need you, I'll let you know. If I'm in the mood, I'll let you know. So ladies go hang up your halos sometimes you just gotta let em know. Ayo, oh Ayo Ayo oh Ayo Ayo oh Ayo Uh Uh oh!" I swear Coco Jones needs to blow up. Let me check my phone. Ok it says my destination will be on the right. I pedaled up her driveway and left my bike in front of her garage. "Guess it's time to let out my inner party animal."
"Oh lord. I could hear the loud music from out here. I'm gonna be deaf by the time I leave," I ringed the doorbell and knocked on the door. I had to wait a few seconds before anyone could answer the door. When someone did I hear a familiar voice. "Wow you actually have guts Adams. Thought you would be at home with your onesie and textbooks." " Yeah trust me Jessica, I would rather be doing that over coming here. But I'm here to enjoy myself and have a good time. Besides I'm not wasting that money I used to buy this outfit. "Well you actually look really pretty. Come on in.", Jessica replied.
"Hey Onya!", Gracie said while she surprisingly hugged me. "You look great thought you wouldn't show up." " Thanks for actually saying something to me. You look great too." "I know I do. I look great everyday while you do....look great sometimes." And there she goes. As soon as they welcomed me they went straight over to their friends. Great know what am I gonna do. I guess I could get some food and a soda then find somewhere quiet. I know I said that the party animal was going to come out but it's only 10:21. Don't worry she'll be here soon.
I feel like I'm getting second thoughts about coming here, I'm not a morning person and my brain can't properly function if I don't get at least 7 hours of sleep. "Um attention please, hello everybody. So I know some of you guys just came in and this party is supposed to end in an hour, but that's not enough time for you to enjoy yourself. So we're extending the party to 1:30!", Jessica said.
1:30?! What did I get myself into now I'm going to get less than 5 hours of sleep just because of people who can't come early. This is so not fair, I just want to eat and go home. But if I do that I'm stopping myself from having a good time and I told those two I'll be the life of the party. "Alright guys you can't have a party without music can you? Why don't you give us some more music to dance to Dj?" Oh god here comes the loud noise again.
People around me started getting up out of their seats to dance to the music, and the dj is playing that music that makes some of the girls get ratchet. I could even see some of them twerking too. I swear someone is going to have a one night stand tonight because the way these 16 and 17 year olds were on that floor you already know what's about to go down. In that crowd I saw some of my schoolmates and people I didn't even know. Should I get out there?,they really look like their having fun i thought.

Twisted Gems
AventuraOnya is a weird girl that doesn't really have many friends but she is ambitious to be successful. One night something happened and her life won't be the same. Will she uncover all the twisted gems?