I don't know why but this reminds me of my date so much right now. Wearing a dress I got from Ross, waiting to be picked up, going in the night time. Why am I even thinking about him I should be hating his stupid guts. But still I wonder if he regrets what he did but now I just don't know. Maybe I keep thinking about him because it's literally been what 4 days and so many things have happened.
It literally feels like forever just thinking about him is making me lose my appetite. Well I can't spend the night thinking about someone who humiliates me and probably doesn't feel bad about it. Soleia is out there waiting for me and at least she cares about me other than my family.
How can four days feel so long. I do want to eat though but since this week started I've been going places that my parents don't even know and not even my brothers. Was I always like this or did this feeling just come out all of a sudden. I opened the door and headed out to Soleia's car and the darkness made my dress sparkle even more.
"Hey girl.", Soleia said. "Hey. Even though it's still the evening i feel like I've been a night owl." "I've got something that will wake you up. ", she said while ruffling through her glove compartment. What is she going to get i wondered. Wait is that mint gum? "Yes. Wrigley's doublemint gum that stuff always keeps me up. Thanks girl." I popped one of the sticks in my mouth and as I was chewing something was off. This didn't just taste like mint gum.
"Um this is doublemint right Soleia?",I asked. "Yeah......" "And also dipped in cocaine.....", she replied. "COCAINE! COCAINE! What the hell is wrong with you. Why does a 16-year-old like you need drugs to keep you up? There's plenty of other things." I quickly spit out that nonsense. I guess I'll eat whatever mints are at the restaurant then. "Wow Onya I didn't know you could be like that. I thought you would understand especially since your my best friend. Friends don't judge friends just because they might have drugs.",she replied.
She always used to do this: making me agree with something that isn't right. But why gum though? But she's taking me out for food so I guess I can't be mad at her. "Oh cmon don't be mad girl. Focus on that triangular shaped steak." She turned on the radio and started singing along to focus by ariana grande while I just looked out the window as she kept driving.
Once we got to the restaurant is quickly hopped out of the car and started to walk towards the restaurant. Finally I can get that nasty powder taste out of my mouth gross. I continued to walk into the place leaving her behind. Mmm I can smell the meat cooking from here. Then when I caught a glimpse of the mints I quickly rushed to grab at least four of those."Hi welcome to Bern's how big is your party?" , the person at the front said. "The name is Soleia table for two.", I responded. "Ok we'll get to you in about five minutes. " Then I went to go and sit on the bench.
A few minutes later I heard the lady call "Soleia, table for two!"and followed the waitress to the table. "Onya! Onya! Hey! Wait up.", she called. Even though I could hear her I just kept walking. The waitress sat me down at a table and I could just hear her loud heels trying to catch up with me. Honestly why would she do that tough. "Onya!", she said again almost out of breath. "I was calling you you know.", she snarked.
"I know I heard you. " I responded. "Why didn't you wait for me? ",She asked. "I don't know. I just had a lot going through my head. You couldn't leave the gum how it is? Why did you start doing drugs?", I replied. "Um...", she started to say. "Um is not an answer Soleia. You don't know anything about what drugs could do to you. " "Oh what do you know you're just saying that to judge me.", she said. "No I'm saying that because I don't want you to turn out like my late cousin. " She started to pause " What happened"?, she asked.
"When my cousin was in high school he got bullied for having a large tooth gap and having a very squeaky voice for his age. He was 5 five older than me by the way. Anyways when he was in his senior year he started doing Marijuana and Xanax on a regular basis and continued to until he was 20. One day last year he was heading home from lectures and he collapsed on the wheel. " Her face was stunned. "Wow I'm sorry to hear that.", she mumbled.

Twisted Gems
AbenteuerOnya is a weird girl that doesn't really have many friends but she is ambitious to be successful. One night something happened and her life won't be the same. Will she uncover all the twisted gems?