I can't believe that he would do this to me. I don't know why I spent two whole years liking that heartless demon. God I'm such a fool. But I'm not going to cry over him because he isn't worth my tears. Should I throw out the food though? Eh why should I waste good food. Overall school isn't about getting popular or having a boyfriend. It's about getting an education because that's what my parents sent me here for. I still have a physics project to do and a quiz in English.
Time to go to first period. Well history is my best class so at least I can get a good start to my day. And I'll just use my free period to do some research and study for the quiz. DINGGGG! DINGGGG! Now it's time to really start the day. But wait I have one last thing I need to do. I pulled out my phone and deleted Emmanuel's phone number from my contacts and messages. "History here i come."
I tried to avoid as many people as I could walking to Mrs. Jackson's class. I swear if I get asked if me and the butt of a boy are dating I'm going to snap. I stood outside of her door and slowly opened it. When I opened the door i heard a voice say "Good morning Onya." Well at least none of my classmates are here so I might as well enjoy it. "Morning Mrs. Jackson." "Wait Onya before you sit down i have something I need to discuss with you. " ..... Um ok.", I replied.
"So you remember how you scored a 100 on my last quiz? It turns out that you got the highest score in all 8 of my classes. I was just talking about you to the principal of the Southeast Institute of History, Science, and Arts and he would love for you to enroll there next year." I was shocked. Finally this is the chance to get away from this horrible school!
"That's seems like a great opportunity but I think I'll need some time to think about it. But thank you for telling me about this though. " "That's fine sweetie just let me know by the middle of next month.", she replied. I sat down at one of the corner desks in the back of the classroom, went on YouTube and munched on my oatmeal cookies. Oh these drama channels are my perfect escape from the real world. Class doesn't start until 8:20. It's only 7:36. So I'll just take a liiiitle snooze.
I woke up to what sounded like the gossip girls Jessica and Gracie. "Hey look at the weirdo sleeping over in the corner." Hahahaha! "Onya! Hey!"I slowly lifted up my head and said " Yes what do you want duck lips?" "Uh rude.", Gracie said. "Anyways here.", Jessica said while handing me an invitation. "I'm having a spring fling party tonight. Why don't you go out for a change." Wow the girl that I been despising and jealous of is asking me Onya Adams the well-known pessimist to a party. Hmm isn't that something.
"You're having a party on a Monday? I have things to do." "Like what studying and having an imaginary date with Harry Potter?", Gracie snarked. Oh this girl really tried it. "You know what? Jess give me the dang invitation. I'll be there tonight." "Oh sure you'll be there.", Jessica started. "Yeah I'll be there and I'll show you that I'm the life of the party. I'm a real party animal!", I replied. "Whatever. Come on Gray let's take our seats."Well looks like I'm going spring fling shopping after school. DINGGGG! DINGGGG! Time for class to begin.
As the rest of our class came trickling in the announcements came on. "Good morning class.", Mrs. Jackson greeted. Today I'm going to be giving you notes on race in The Americas and the one-drop rule, then you guys will be split into groups of 3 for a review jeopardy. For the team that gets the most questions correct, I will add 15 points to their quiz grades, they will get a pass to the teachers lounge during their free period or lunch, and I will buy them any snack they want at the grocery store. Wow history really is my favorite class now.
I wonder who I'll be partners with. It better not be those two petite ballerinas. But before I could finish insulting them in my head she was already writing notes. Jeez who knew that a 40-something-year-old could write go fast. About ten minutes later we were finished taking notes and ready to play the game. "OK class you can use the notes that I just gave you to answer the questions. In about 2 minutes I'll have the groups on the board. Great look who I'm paired with: 'Jess' and 'Gray'. Great just great.

Twisted Gems
AvventuraOnya is a weird girl that doesn't really have many friends but she is ambitious to be successful. One night something happened and her life won't be the same. Will she uncover all the twisted gems?