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Pen Fun Pavilion > Urban Romance > The Apocalyptic Disaster of Rebirth

60 Chapter 60

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Not to mention how big the hairball's brain hole is, the car drove out of the base, and the people from the old base were rounded at the bridge, and there were seven people on the old base, which was probably discussed at the beginning. None of this matter about the weekend, Chen Rui glanced at the people on the side of the old base, he could analyze from the earth elements that the composition of the old base was not weak, there were at least two fifth-level abilities, and the fifth-level abilities in the new base were on a par with each other, Chen Rui was not worried about what danger these people could cause him.

However, he was much more careful about the safety of the weekend, after all, it was a fifth-level ability, Chen Rui spoke: "There are two fifth-level abilities over there in the old base, and the two sitting in the middle, you should be careful not to be attacked."

Chen Rui's words fell, and the people in the car were also stunned for a moment, they didn't expect that the old base actually used two fifth-level abilities to lead the way this time, and the remaining five must not be low in strength, at least they should be fourth-level. However, a few people in the new base are not afraid of the few abilities in the old base, their strength is not weak, except for the small burden of the weekend, but there is a super strong person like the new city owner, and there is nothing to worry about at all.

I didn't have a heart or lungs on the weekend, and I didn't worry about the conspiracy of the old base at all, how strong the president was, the security of a base could be supported, and it was only a matter of minutes to kill those people. The gravitational field, the kind of thing that can only appear in it, the president has figured it out, and the president can already compress the gravitational field to twenty times in a small area, no matter who wants to sneak up on them, they will be crushed by the gravitational field in minutes.

The off-road of the old base opened the road in front, Ningxiang County was relatively safe, the zombies were almost cleaned up, even the mutant beasts suffered heavy losses in yesterday's mutant bird tide, they only encountered a few zombies along the way, and not a single mutant beast came out to block the road. However, after the end of the world, the mutant plants grew wildly, and they did not leave the base for a few days on the weekend, at this time, the pavement of the cement road outside has been destroyed by many mutated plants, these mutant vines have been drilled out of the road, the road surface is cracked everywhere, and many mutant weeds have emerged from the cracks, and it will not be long before these roads will be abandoned by mutated plants.

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