Chapter 7

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Kamill: The 6 y/o Kamill was a menace

Killua: tell me what you did to her

His excitement was obvious

Kamill: You don't even try to hide your excitement about mother being tortured 😑

Killua: yeah yeah just continue.

Kamill: How rudee. But anyways what I did was...

*Back to the flashback*

Kamill made her mother change clothes, and chained her up afterwards

Kikyo: K-Kamill stop this nonsense

Kamill: I was already having a bad day, and you made it even worse. This should remind you not to do anything that I hate mother

Kamill took the bottle of acid from the table and poured it in her mother's legs. Kikyo was screaming and apologizing, but Kamill isn't any  near to being done, she did horrible things to her mother. She finally stopped when her mother fainted.

Kamill: Now, you saw me dad, I won't stop until you faint. *She said with cold eyes* Ofcourse I know, things like this are nothing to you, that is why I have different punishments depending on the one I'm punishing.

Kamill left the room and went to her own bedroom. She showered and packed up her belongings to bring tomorrow, after that, she drifted to sleep.....

Next morning, she got herself ready and went to her father with her bag that contained her things.

Kamill: Dad I'm ready

Silva: very well then

Tsubone suddenly showed up beside me and bowed

Tsubone: I will be escorting you to your destination young mistress

Kamill: let's just go, be sure to tell Illumi I will come back after my training

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Kamill: let's just go, be sure to tell Illumi I will come back after my training

Kamill sat in the backseat, while Tsubone drove the car to the airport

*Skip Time*

Tsubone: We've arrived, young mistress.

Kamill: Tsubone I told you, you should just call me Kamill, you're like a family to me

Tsubone: ok then, goodluck Kamill, this is where I leave you

Kamill: w-wait

Tsubone: yes?

Kamill: didn't dad gave you my pocket money?

Tsubone: oh yeah, he said you can earn money from the arena, that's why he didn't give you any money

Kamill: damn old man, ok I get it now

Kamill looked at the giant building infront of her "it sure is tall" she thought. She went inside and patiently waited in line to register. Once she was done registering, she went to the battle arena until her number gets called out "#1021 and #1007 please proceed to the ring B" ( her number was 1021)

Kamill went in to the ring and heard a lot of shoutings "hey little girl are you lost?" "You should just dress up in your home, little lady" and more such comments.
Her opponent looked like a sumo restler. But once the referee said fight, Kamill immediately kicked the guy in the stomach and sent him flying. The crowd got silent.

Referee: here is your ticket, please proceed to the 50th floor

Kamill just nodded and left, she went in the elevator and got to the 50th floor.

Kamill hoped for much more challenging opponents, but she easily climbed up to the 180th floor in just a month. She earned a total of 250 million, she just saved the money incase she needed it. She was just in her room waiting for her next match. The match she was waiting for finally came. Her number got called out and just like her any other battles, she finished her fight with a single kick. She now reached the 190th floor.

She easily won the fight just like usual, but she wasn't aware of the eyes that were watching her ever since she set foot to the arena

Kamill knew she could go home, but she was curious on what kind of people are present in the 200th floor.

???: *in his mind* "such talent for a young lady, I should train her immediately, even if she's strong, she won't be able to handle the players in the 200th floor, she shouldn't be wasted "

Who might this guy be? Is he a friend or a foe?


I'm sorry guys, this chapter is a little bit rushed

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