#1 trajedy

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3rd person pov

Y/n a normal 11 year old living the happiest life she wasn't too rich or anything but she had the most amazing
Mom and dad in the entire world

Until one day in her apartment there was fire.Chaos throughout the complex everyone was running around y/n's parents grabbed her and started running her mom fell and her dad put her down and helped her mom the building came falling your parents kept signalling you to run but you couldn't move you just stood there with tears in her eyes there was nothing she could do until a firefighter arrived,grabbed her and ran y/n could still see her parents being crushed she was devastated but as a child there was nothing she could do

For a few days you lived in a shelter you didn't have any relatives the one you did have didn't want you

After a while you were sent into foster care system you hated it from one house to another and your school bully mike made it even worse every night you cried thinking maybe if you weren't borned your parents could have survived at the age of 12 you started hurting hurting yourself

At 14 you were finally adopted

Guys this story was a pilot or like an introduction chapter scroll down to see moree there will finally be characters

Luv you drink waterr<3

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