#16 High

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Idiot kai was coming over today again. I hope he isn't well...himself today

I was reading a book (not related to my studies at all) when i heard him knock on the door. I knew it was him by his rhythmic tapping

I went over and opened the door. There he was with his cheeky ass smile

"Hey 'mystery sturniolo'" he greets.I fully open the door so he can come in
"You did what I told you to?" He asks "yup" i replied. It's always awkward when he's around. Did I mention my brothers were not home?

He started teaching me history and I was paying attention the whole time.

Soon enough the session was done."so... what you doing after I leave?" He suddenly asks "oh well I don't know just staying in my room I guess?". As I said that he made himself comfortable on my bed. "What're you doing?" I ask him "well since you're free I'm going to hang around a bit more."

"Why?" I asked "why not?" He replied "that's not a real answer" i shot at him. "Do you want me to leave?" He asked "what? No! I didn't say that" i exclaimed "okay then I'm staying" "whatever"

I was fiddling with my hands and he was just looking at me. "What's wrong" he asks "huh? Oh nothing" i look at him "y/n?" He scooted closer to me. He was sitting in front of me. His face was really close to mine. "Yes?" He put a hand on my cheek.

I flinched but he didn't move his hand " why are you nervous?" He asks "n-no I'm not" I scoff "really?" He puts a piece of hair behind my ear. I nod "not even if i do this?" He came closer and closer and closer and then...started laughing

"Man you're easy to mess with." he winked and walked away. I threw my pillow across the room at him

"Asshole" i muttered. "Did you actually even want to kiss me?" He asks "i mean no...not really" i muttered. "Next time I get that close to you hit me in the balls" he said "huh?" I chuckled "it's true. Unless you know you want to kiss me"
. I rolled my eyes

After that we talked for about 30 minutes when he asked me to bring his bag over. As i was handing it over something fell out. "No no don't touch....that" he warned but it was too late. I picked it up and it was a plastic bag filled with...dried grass

"You smoke weed?" I bluntly say out. "Noooo...." He dragged out. I give him an unimpressed look. "Would it help if I offered some?" He proposed. "Huh?"


So. Thirty minutes later we were both on the floor sharing a joint of weed. "You know you're taking this suprisingly well. Considering you're smoking for the first time" he praised. "First time? Hell no I've done this before". Before anyone judges, I've lived in places where this was needed. "No? Damn"

I chuckle at his comment. "Life sucks" I say out of nowhere. "Yeah, why?" He asks "well I'm bad at... everything. Plus I'm pretty sure my brothers hate me-" i was about to continue but was cut off by kai "woah woah. Your brothers do not hate you y/n" he interrupts "how do you know that? I'm just a big load of problems" i cut him off this time

"Y/n i may not be like besties with your brothers, but I know them, before you moved here, you were all that they talked about it was honestly annoying. 'y/n is so cute' 'i have a sister her name is y/n' 'my sister is moving'. All of them were so...proud and happy to call you 'their sister" he explained "really?" "Yeah"

"I love my family" I spoke "me too"

I don't remember much after that. I do remember...kissing


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