#12 walk home

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It was thursday. And lunch time in school
When i got a call from matt saying if i can walk home. I didn't want to be a bother so i said yes

I was peacefully listening to music and eating my lunch when a familiar face sat in front of me. Mike. "Hey" he said. I just stared at him for a few seconds before replying with a small "hi" i refused to look him in the eye. "So...uhh i didn't mean to,but i heard you were walking home alone. So i wanted to ask if you want me to walk you home" he asked

what the actual fuck. Mike,michael,michael fucking steel asking me if he can drop me home. Am i dying or what?

"No it's fine i can walk home alone" i quickly replied "y/n,you can't walk home alone. Come on let me walk you home please" he more or less demanded. I could see it in his fucking eyes

I didn't really have a choice. I just quietly nodded. "K. See you after school" he gave me quick pat on the head and i immediately tensed up. After he left i let out a breathe

This was gonna be on hell of a day

After school

As soon as the bell rang for my last class. I contemplated not even going home. I hated his stupid face. God how can he act so casual after the things he said to me.

I walked out my school gate and saw his idiotic fucking face standing there. He nodded towards him as in an order to follow him. Disgusting. I quietly walked over and started walking towards my home

I was keeping my distance, obviously. He broke the silence "I'm uh-going to therapy" as he should. He should actually be locked up or something. Wait no that's rude. Whatever he deserves it. Tho i just nodded quietly with a confused expression

"I am sorry for...everything. I just had a lot going on with and i let it out on you i should have known better" he exhaled. HE had a lot going on. I mentally scoffed,i could not do that in front of him.

Soon he stopped walking. "This is me" he said as he showed me his house from the outside. And.holy shit . His house was HUGE. Like bigger than my bro-. Bigger than mine.that felt good to say. But his house,i mean i always knew he was rich but didn't he was like rich, rich

Well now that we reached his house i could walk peacefully. I quietly started walking away after giving him a small smile. I immediately felt his presence besides me. God he was actually gonna drop me home

Thank god i lived a few blocks away from his. I reached "bye" i said quietly "see ya" he replied before walking away.

As i entered i saw nick and chris. After they were done greeting me i asked where matt was and they told me he was in his room. I nodded and went to my room. As soon as i entered i saw matt laying on my bed on his phone "holy shit.matt you scared me" i jumped

I put my bag down sat besides him. He looked a bit off. Almost mad. So i asked "what's wrong?" "How'd you come home?" He answered quickly. Too quickly like he waiting for me to ask him

See, when you grow up in a house like mine you pick up on these things. "I walked home" i replied truthfully "with who?". Shit. Matt saw me with mike. Matt hated mike, no, wait he despised him maybe even more than me

I was a pathological liar, i could easily lie my way out of this situation. But,i didn't. It didn't feel right.

"With mike" i -again- answered truthfully "what the- y/n you promised to ignore him. And you walked home with him?" Matt snapped.

So, remember when i told matt everything? Yeah, i told him about mike too

Flashbacks (p.s you haven't told mike about how you ended up at the orphanage)

I was 14 and had just walked into my miserable life. And mike was 16 at the time

I just closed my locker and saw him standing besides me. "Hey" he said smugly. I kept quiet. "Heard you got adopted again. How long is this one gonna last? It better last more than a month cause i made a bet on you" i could feel a knot in my throat. "Not now mike" i mumbled "aww is he not nice to you?" He said in a baby voice. By this point my eyes were glistening. "Do you want to run to mommy-oh wait" that was it. Tears were streaming down my face "aww don't cry let me tell you something. Advice something,well more like recommend" he corrected himself i looked at him with pure hatred. "There's a building by my house i can drive you there. It's real high. You should just jump off. Maybe in your next life you are born with parents who love you and don't leave you to be passed around from house to house" he whispered in my ears. He said that,he actually said. I couldn't believe he actually said that. I actually was considering it. "Then do it" i whispered looking at the ground. "What?" he questioned "take me to the damn building so i can jump off" i slowly lifted my head towards him. My eyes looked menacing yet pleading "you're not worth the drive there. See ya later lost and found". I could see the fear in his eyes admit it or not he was taken back with my answer and i knew it,but he still told me to jump off a building.In
minutes i found myself with bleeding wrists and heavy breathing on the toilet seat. Wishing for this nightmare to be over

Flashback over

"It's fine I won't see him again i promise" i held out my pinky. A little thing i learnt from chris. Matt rolled his eyes but intertwined his pinkie with mine

I was gonna keep this promise

Boy,was i wrong

I put the flashback just to show that mike infact WAS the bully. But he will change (hopefully) also smut or no smut i wanna try writing it

And if anything is bothering you please use the comment section as a safe place  i will talk to you always.

Luv you<3 you matter💟

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