#8 encounter

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Everything was great. I still haven't started school,which i will in a few days now

My brothers and i were at a gas station to pick up a few snacks i was with matt while he was looking at some candy. "Y/n can you get a few Pepsies for chris i think he'll go crazy. And any drink you want too" matt asked. I giggled and replied "ofcourse I'll be back". With that i was off too get the drinks

I was grabbed the drinks and was about to turn when i heard a familiar voice call out to me. "Y/n?". Mike. God how i despised it. "Hey it's been so long. What're you doing here in California?" He asked. I slowly turned towards him and gave a small smile not wanting to push his buttons. "Umm...hey. i live here now" i replied qiietly "oh that's great" huh? No sarcastic comment? No shaming for anything? "You got adopted? By a good family or what?" He asked to break the silence "yeah, they're great. I gotta go bye" i turned heel not wanting to continue the conversation any further

"Y/n wait!" My breath hitched as he called. Did i do something? Was he mad?
My train of thoughts were cut off by mike. "Y/n i-i wanted to apologize about the whole bullying thing. That's the reason i came here actually." What the- "what?" Was all i coulf say while processing the thought that mike just apologized to me. "Umm my parents live here they uhh...noticed my umm... aggressive behaviour and bought me here to get better that's why i thought might as well start with you since you were here. I am so sorry " he sounded genuine but from my past experiences i couldn't let my gaurd down not yet "it's fine really. But i really have to go"

Matt's pov

She was taking too long.

I went to the drink aisle to look for her and saw her standing and talking with a....boy!?

Who the hell is he? I've never seen him around her considering the fact that y/n is with almost all the time

"Y/n" i called out to her.As she turned around i almost saw a look of relief in her eyes "oh hey matt i was just about to come" she said "yeah come on we're leaving now" i said sternly "oh okay. Umm bye mike gotta go" she said to the boy nervously and walked over to me "bye y/n see you around" the boy said she smiled faintly and nodded

As the boy was out of our sight i turned to y/n "who the hell was that?" I asked "oh that,that was mike you know him right? I told you 'bout him" huh?  Oh right the jerk mike why was she talking to him? "Why is he here? Was he bothering you? Want me to go and beat him up?" I joked (mostly) y/n giggled and answered "no no he is here to get better actually from you know up here" she said while pointing to her head "huh okay whatever you say"

Y/n's pov

Matt to the rescue thank god he came looking for me. When we started walking he kept interrogating me. I had no choice but to answer all his questions

Soon we went home and i answered even more questions from matt

Another chapter complete ✓

Y'all better remember mike cause he will be a major character. And with this chapter i will also post a character aesthetic kind of thing for y/n,mike and kai who you will get to know in probably the next chapter

Luv you<33

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