#7 reuniting

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The two weeks were over probably the longest two weeks of my life

I was in dad's car on my way to the airport. I was quite nervous since it was my first time flying. "Hey it's okay don't be nervous just call me if you feel anxious" said mom I guess since she noticed my legs anxious bouncing "yeah of course" i replied

Soon we were at the airport "y/n be careful okay? If anything happens call us or your brothers and don't be afraid to ask the workers for anything okay? If you feel like throwing up immediately run to the bathroom-" "mom , it's okay I'll be fine" i cut her off "yeah of course she will be she is my daughter after all" dad said and that's what made me tear up. I wrapped my arms around both of them "thank you for everything i-i love you both so much" i said while sobbing "i love you too" they both replied at the same time i chuckled.

Right then there was an announcement about my flight "okay i have to go. Byee" "byee i love you" mom said "i love you more kid be safe and be in touch byee" with one last hug i was off to California. The staff helped me a lot with everything before the flight and during the flight

After the flight landed i took my luggage and started looking for my brothers. I was looking for about 15 minutes until i heard a voice "y/nnnn hereee" nick. Only he could be this energetic this early in the morning. I saw them standing nearby and started running towards them and gave, first nick then matt and chris a big hug. "Welcome to Californiaa yayy!!" Nick said "i missed you kid" matt said while swinging an arm over my shoulder "we all did" chris added "me too" i replied.

We loaded my luggage in the car and set on our way to our home we all catched up with one another. "Y/n now we know why you are here" matt started. I sighed knowing where this was going "yeah" i said "your studies. That's why" he said "we know you struggle academically but that's okay" nick added i gave him a small smile as matt continued "that's why we have found you a tutor" "a what?"
I asked "a tutor is like a private class for you a teacher will come home to trach you alone" chris explained "oh...but matt you know i hate meeting new people,why can't you teach me?" I said and immediately regretted since i forgot what happened when i talked back "yeah y/n i know but we are busy with social media and stuff and besides this tutor is a friend of ours he's only like a year or two older than you" matt replied calmly "oh that's nice then"

After talking a bit more we reached our house it was evening by the time we got there so i didn't set my room just put on some sheets on my bed and that's about it. I took everything in,moving to California,living with my brothers,a new school. A bit later i unpacked my clothes took out some sweatpants and a shirt and went for a shower. When i came out i saw maty sitting on my chair besides my desk. "Hey" i started "oh hey you're back" matt replied "yeah,did you need anything" i said while sitting on my bed crisscrossed "no just wanted to see my sister" matt said while giving a cheeky smile and i giggled in response "come on we're going get McDonald's in a bit so get ready" matt said "i am ready" i replied "oh yeah i forgot you liked to dress like homeless person sorry" matt said jokingly while walking towards me "haha very funny. Maybe i should give you the funniest sibling title instead of nick" i said matt faked gasped and said "i did not already have that title?. I am deeply hurt" he said wile holding his chest "whatever let's go"

We got McDonald's and i slept in Matt's room peacefully without any nightmares for the first time in a while

Woww it did not take me a light years to update a new chapter a round of applause for me (no)

Next few chapters will focus on y/n mostly but also her brothers too

Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter!! 🩷


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