#4 opening up

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I was getting used to everyone around me i only talked to matt like I actually talked with i have small talks with the parents and i mostly just greet nick...but chris he would jump on his brothers for no reason which scared me so i mostly just waved at him i still went to school regularly it was nice like a actual family. Oh and i found out that i also have a fourth brother older than these guys he was cool his name was justin he came to visit me since he lives far away

At the end of the day everyone went to their room to sleep you also closed your eyes thinking about how it is sunday tomorrow. Soon your slumber took over

You opened your eyes to see an oh so familiar setting your old home in front of you was john your old 'dad' "no please don't not again" you begged him "there's no use in begging. You know how useless you are you couldn't even save your parents bitch" you couldn't say anything you couldn't move as soon as he started touching you jolted awake sweating,panting you didn't know what to do in the orphanage you had ms.green to hold you

'maybe i should go to Matt's room he told me to come talk to him if i needed to,no I'll come off as a creep,well there's nothing else i can do'

I stopped at his doorframe and hesitantly knocked soon after he opened. "Y/n what are you doing at this hour,is everything okay?" He asked "yeah I'll tell you can i come inside?" "Yeah yeah of course" i entered and sat on the floor "hey umm...you can sit on the bed" he said "i know i like sitting on the floor more" i replied "so what did you wanna talk about?" "Umm...matt you know how your mom and dad say-" "our mom and dad" he interrupted me "yeah our mom and dad say i have a lot of trauma?" "Yeah what about it?" "So my trauma doesn't end there i have more i want to talk to someone to just get it off my chest you know to just vent and i want to tell you will you listen?" "Yeah y/n of course i will"
"Okay and promise to not interrupt me" he nods "and promise to not tell ANYONE I MEAN ANYONE OKAY?" He nods again

"Embrace yourself" i began "when i was 8 or 9 my parents died ever since that i have lived in a orphanage i have been to many foster homes and been adopted many times but each they give me back because I can't let go of my past and smile or be cheerful but once when i was 14 i was adopted by a man named john he...umm...used to abuse me physically at first he used to beat if i didn't do what he said but then he started to sexually harass me as in...rape i ran away but i still feel his touch on me matter how hard i scrub my skin i always feel it and recently i started having nightmares and panic attacks in the orphanage ms.green held me tight but here i don't really have anyone yk so i came to talk to you" i finished with tears in my eyes

"Wow i am so sorry for you and i am glad you can trust me with that" i just smiled at him and returned my eyes to the ground and wiped my tears not wanting him to see me cry just then i felt a warm emebrace from behind it was matt obviously he was hugging me tight at first i flinched then realised it actually felt nice i felt safe at thay moment i just burst into tears and soon fell asleep in his arms

Matt's pov

Wow she has been through so much,but now that she is here with me in my arms i won't let anyone take her away from me i will protect her always she is my sister i love her so much already

She fell asleep in my arms she looks so peaceful

I picked her up and placed her on the opposite side of the bed and i layed on the other one i just layed there and thought 'why did she tell me? When will she tell others? Will she tell others? How will i tell her the news about tomorrow?'

Soon slumber took over me

Y/n's pov

When i woke up i saw that i was in Matt's room i remember how i got here but matt wasn't here maybe he went downstairs

I went back to my room freshened up and while i was going downstairs i head a call "y/n come here for a minute" it was matt hr called me so i went in his "what's up?" I asked him "just wanted to say I'm proud of you and i will keep my promise that's it" i smiled at him and replied "yeah i know

862 words (not counting these bold words)

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