#10 first day at school

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Monday morning i woke up early and took a bath. Got ready for school


(Choose whatever you want)

I went downstairs and saw matt was already up. "Where are the others?" I asked matt "they're asleep" matt said pushing a bowl of cereal my way. I quickly ate my cereal and went outside

As i was putting on my shoes i heard the horn of the car "coming" i shouted from inside and hurriedly went inside

The car ride was silent. The school was not more than 10 minutes away matt already warned me that he would not drop me off everyday

Soon we reached the school and i got out of the car "if you need anything just call me okay?" "I will. Bye matt" "bye y/n"

I went to my locker put everything inside and went to my first class. Math. I walked inside and saw the teacher there ,i knew for a fact i was not late so i just walked inside. "Wait, you're not getting away that easy,come back" the teacher mr.scott said. I cursed under my breath but still went to stand by the teacher's side "students welcome the very new addition in our journey of learning....miss y/n sturniolo!" He exclaimed. I could hear the mummers but decided to ignore them and went to my seat

Nothing really happened throughout the day. The lunch bell rang and like everyone else i went to the cafeteria. I only got a carton of chocolate milk and an apple. I saw a empty bench in the corner so i decided that was the best spot

I sat at the table started biting on my apple while listening to music i took out my sketchbook and started doodling

"Sick" i heard a voice right besides my face. I turned to see the owner of the voice and saw...mike? "Since when did you learn to draw like that?" He asked "uh...well...umm it's just a hobby. What are you doing here?" I asked him "extra classes" he said i just nodded and shifted my focus to my book.

"Hey,i get it okay?" He said oit of nowhere while sitting opposite of me. I just looked at him confused "the nervousness,the fidgeting,the-trying-to-avoid-eye contact. I get i know i was an asshole" he said upfront. He was not wrong but i wasn't going to say that i just continued to look at him with a expressionless face. "I came here to get better. I know i took out my own problems on you,it was wrong just please forgive me okay? I'm sorry l. My therapist said to start with you" he explained i just looked at him with a sympathetic expression

"Hmm how 'bout i make it up to you?" "Huh?" I was confused what has gotten into him. "What I'm saying is after school I'll treat you to something. The first step right? So we'll just go to a small spot and I'll treat you to anything you want then i can walk you home so...?" He explained
"Um..i gotta ask my brother besides i jave somewhere to go today and tomorrow so I don't think i can sorry" i declined.

"Hmm shame thought i could take you on a date" he said as he stood and just left. I was freaking speechless


The rest of the day was uneventful i didn't really talk to anyone,not that i wanted to

Currently i was standing at the front gate waiting for matt to come pick me up. Soon i saw Matt's car coming towards. A smile crept on my face just thinking about going home

I got in and he started driving we were having small talk i told him what happened tho i did leave out the whole mike thing 'cause i know he would blow

When we got home i ran up to my room and took a nap

I can't wait for tomorrow

I'm alive. What do you think is tomorrow?

Also im changing Kai's personality you will see how it is later on till then byee

Luv u<3

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