#13 tutor

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Today i was gonna have my first tutoring session,yayy!! (Sarcasm)

I was in my room doing my homework waiting for kai to arrive

I heard a knock on the door and assumed it was him. And i was right

"Hey" he greeted "hi" i replied  enthusiastically "uhh come in" gosh this is awkward "so we're gonna start with math. Obviously. And no foreplay open your books" he stated. No foreplay what the- weird analogy but okay

I sat on my desk and he was hovering above me. Probably in an attempt to intimidate. Which -granted- was working. I was scared.

A bit later he gave me some problems to solve and we were in comfortable (uncomfortable) silence. "You know i wanted to ask you something" DON'T TALK TO ME. "Yeah sure anything" i said not looking up from my book. "Who's your favourite brother?" He casually asked "excuse me?" I said trying not to sound too offended "what,you said to ask anything so i did" he said in an annoying smug tone.

"Well I don't have a favourite i love all my brothers equally" i mumbled and started working on sums he gave me "come on,you gotta have a favourite i won't tell" he smirked and walked closer to my desk
"Is it matt?" He asked as if he knew. Asshole. "No, like i said i like them all equally" now shut up

At this point he was leaning against my desk right next to my face "fine, I'll change the question. Do you have a boyfriend?" The nerve of this fucking kid

I slammed the book close and shouted in his ear "DONE" he immediately stood up straight. When i looked up i saw how you could see his abs and muscles through his shirt. Woww but he still is an asshole so...

Soon it was time for him to leave i waited for him to fully leave and be out of my sight. As soon he was away i flipped him off so he couldn't see me. I don't know how but he flipped me off back i slammed the front door.

"Aww you too are like besties now" nick cooed from the kitchen (THE KITCHEN btw) i just smiled sarcastically and got a cup of water "what's wrong?" Matt asked
"What's wrong is that he is an asshole" i snarled "haha yeah he can be like that"

Hate that kid. 'he can be like that' well he better fix himself up. Asshole. "He left his number btw if you had any doubts or anything" i took the number from Chris
And saved it as....


Reallyyyy shortt chapter sorryyy I'll post tomorrow or maybe even today

What do y'all think about kai btw lemme know

Luv u<3

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