#5 California

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It's been two or three weeks since matt and i became really close everything was perfect until....

"Y/nn come downstairs" mom yelled from the kitchen she sounded serious "coming" i replied and went downstairs and saw everyone was sitting on one  couch and matt on the smaller one "whoa what is this an intervention or some?" I asked in a joking manner "umm...y/n why don't you sit down" dad said so i took a seat besides matt "umm...y/n your brothers are umm...leaving for California" your mom informed you "oh... when are they coming back?" You asked clueless  "umm we aren't we are staying there. We live there y/n we came for a small vacation" matt said "oh..." "We thought we would tell you earlier since you have grown pretty close to the triplets" your dad said

You were speechless you didn't know what to say from your past experiences you knew better than to speak for yourself but,you just started trusting matt and feeling happy. Maybe i am exaggerating this maybe this is what i deserve i was snapped out of my thoughts with matt calling my name "y/n y/n?" "Yeah" i replied quickly "do you want to say anything?" "Um when are you leaving?" "Three days sorry for not telling you earlier" "oh it's fine um... I'll be in my room if you need me"

I ran upto my room plopped onto my bed staring at the ceiling 'maybe they're leaving because of me,ofcourse they why would they like me here I'm a just a kid who has a fucked up past and a fucked up life' i thought to myself

Few minutes later i shuffled through my bathroom looking for my blade it's been a while since i did that


They hate me


I am just a fucking slut


I should kill myself





After a while i saw some blood dripping and decided to stop i cleaned up and changed. Just then i heard someone knock i opened the door and saw matt "Oh, hey,do you need anything?" I asked with a small smile "umm...no can i come in?" He asked "yeah of course" i said while fully opening the and welcoming him "i like what you've done with your room" he complimented "oh yeah thanks" i said "did you need anything?" I asked "oh i just wanted to say sorry for not telling you sooner". Did he just....say sorry to me? "It's not your fault please don't say that" "no no i should have told you sooner since I'm the only one who knows what you've been through and your nightmares" he said "matt please don't say that I'll be fine but promise me these three days you'll spend with me please?" I asked "of course" he wrapped me in a hug

I have a family now a real family

Well hii I'm alive lol umm I'll try to update a bit more regularly now *tryyyy*


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