#6 suprise

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Three days went by in a flash and now the triplets were leaving

I was at the front door waiting for matt until i heard him call my name so i rushed upstairs to see if he need any help

I knocked and entered after hearing matt say "come in" " what did you need" i asked "i actually wanted to give this to you" he said while pulling out a small box "matt no you shouldn't have" "just open it" he demanded so i did and inside i saw a small chain like bracelet with a horse attached to it "you like it?" He asked "matt i...i love it" i replied and threw my arms around him "thank god. I knew you liked my necklace so i got you a matching one" "thank you thank you thank you so much" i said "okay okay we have to go now" "yeah sure"

Time skip cause I'm lazy af

After the triplers left i was mostly in my room not going anywhere. The worst part was my nightmares i couldn't sleep at night. And if i couldn't sleep at night i couldn't wake up in the morning and pay attention to my classes, my self harm is coming back,my grades are dropping. Before the triplets left i had average grades, but now they are really bad

It's been a almost a year now since the triplets left they didn't even come for Christmas because they had a tour or something. I was so mad but when matt called to apologize i just couldn't be angry at him. Now soon enough everything was going to change

After another night of nightmares i was now sitting in history class when there was a announcement 'miss y/n sturniolo please come in the principal's office after lunch' shit was all i could think the whole day i was thinking what i had done wrong
Now it was after lunch i was outside the principal's office. I heard a come in from inside so i went inside "good morning ms. Sturniolo" "good morning ma'am" i greeted back "so you might be wondering why you are here yes?" I just nodded in response "well your grades are dropping and you better do something about them or we'll have to take action do you understand?" She explained "yes ma'am i will do better" "okay you can leave now"

After school

I got home and mom and dad were sitting on the couch "how was school? Did anything happen today" asked dad "no nothing pretty boring day" i lied "y/n we got a call from your school talking about your grades" shit shit shit that was all i could think. Why did i lie to them they hate me they're gonna hit me they're gonna send me back "y/n come sit down"
I did as they said "we know why you are acting this way. Your brothers leaving must have taken a toll on you" i nodded "so your me and your dad.  And your brothers have decided...."

"It would be best for you to..."

"Go live with them in California!"

"Please don't send me back!"

Mom and i said overlapping each other "what?" The three of us said together "wait I'm your are saying i should live with my brothers in California?..." "Yes that's what we said!" Mom exclaimed and i threw my arms around both of them "when...when am i leaving?" I asked excited "in two weeks" said dad "oh my god did matt knew about this?" I asked "haha yes since last week" dad replied "oh my god i have to talk to him I'll be in my room" with that i ran up to my bedroom

The first thing i did was call matt. He picked soon

On the call

Y/n: why didn't you tell me?!!

Matt: so you found out huh?

Y/n: i am so happy!!!

Matt: glad to hear I'll see you soon I gotta go call you later

Y/n:of course byee love you

Matt:k love you too

And with that he hangs up

Soon i will be living with my brothers. But then i remember something they live in California risght? Oh no so does mike he moved there. Calm down there's no possibility i was gonna meet him there

Another one is outt sorry for the late updates I'll try to update more frequently now

Here is a picture of the necklace

It's somewhat like this imagine it differently if you want

And i know i asked if we wanted nate as a love interest but i just realised the age gap so I'm gonna do something different

Byee luv u <<3

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