#11 ice hockey game

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The next morning i woke up feeling super excited. I got dressed and went to school

School was nothing out of the ordinary. The same old boring lectures,no sign of mike.

When matt came to pick me up i kept ranting and asking questions which ended up in me frantically apologizing for talking too much

We soon reached and matt told me to get dressed quickly which i did


I went downstairs to see nick ready. "Where are the others?" I asked "they're still getting ready" nick replied "you guys are gonna be late to your own game" i groaned "we're not going to be late calm down" nick said. Soon matt and chris arrived

The car ride was short when we got to the said rink where the game was going to be held my brothers went in the locker room to get changed and i was supposed to watch the game through a glass wall

Once the match started my anxiety started to rise as well for my brothers. What if they get hurt? I heard hockey is an aggressive game. What if they get into a fight or something?. I was pulled out of my train of thoughts by a flying...well slidind figure coming towards banging on their-thankfully helmet covered-head on the glass. Instinctively i took a step back i could barely see the figure before he slid away and mouthed 'sorry'

In the end my brother's team won. After the game ended they were discussing something inside the rink. I caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. The same guy who almost bashed his head. This time i could get a good look of him. He was good looking,asian,kinda buff. I guess he caught me staring because he looked back at me and gave me a small smile almost a smirk. I felt my cheeks heat up but i brushed it off i knew better than to chase boys

I saw my brothers exiting the ronk and walking towards me. I ran upto them and gave them a big hug "you guys were awesome. Seriously" "i know" chris replied smugly "whatever. You know the whole game i was so scared you guys were gonna get hurt or something but you didn't" i continued

We made small talk talkong about the game and stuff and i got to know there was a little celebration. I reluctantly agreed to go

Halfway through the party nick and chris left to go somewhere i guess,and matt was sitting on a bean bag while i was on the counter. Both of us were on our phones. Bored out of our minds,since neither of us wanted to come anyway

Suddenly i felt a presence before me and looked up to see the guy who slammed face first in glass "hey" he said "oh uh hi" i nervously replied "you know this is the first time in the whole night i am seeing you without your brothers" he said looking straight ahead. Excuse me? Who does he think he is,i thought but i didn't say it i just nervously chuckled. Guess he didn't notice matt on the bean bag. Kinda stupid

"Umm...sorry about slamming face first into the glass. Saw how scared you were" he apologized "oh it's okay. You're not hurt are you?" I said just now noticing the small cut on his lower lip "oh this?" He pointed to his lips
"it's nothing". Show off. "I-im also sorry" i muttered "why" he chuckled. Why was I sorry? Maybe just a habit i-its because-umm" shit shit shit why was i stuttering god this is embarrassing"it's alright I'm heading out anyway" he says and starts walking but just before leaving he turns to me and says "see you on friday" with a wink. Umm what the actual fuck?

Matt rises from the bean bag and comes over to me "oh hey how you doing?" I say with a sarcastic smile. I could only talk with matt like that. He just chuckles in response "why,why did he say see you on monday?" I ask out of the blue "oh you don't know?" I shake my head to say no "he's the tutor"

I actually gasp "oh my god,we just had an incredibly awkward conversation. I have to face him again? Matt do something" i plead "this seems like a you problem"

This kid-

I feel like i have to specify everytime that i am not dead
My exams are coming up on 26 march so my updates will be slow....er
After 10 april i will post regularly
Til then byee

Luv you<3

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