#2 abuse

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Y/n's pov

"Y/NNN" someone shouts from downstairs ughh it's too early for this but i then i remembered today i get adopted...again.I have been adopted many times before but they all give me back because I'm not cheerful or bubbly or happy i am quiet too quiet because I can't forget my past i can't let it go but maybe that changes today...i was wrong.

I rub my eyes go to the bathroom and wash myself up and get ready i head downstairs and greet ms.green the caretaker of the orphanage "Good morning" I greet " Good morning to you too" she said sounding happy "so are you excited? You're getting adopted!" She says cheering me up "i guess i mean i will probably be back in a few days" "aww don't be like that you'll be fine" i nod and ate my breakfast

A few hours later another worker came with my bags which i packed last night
And told me to go to the office which i did and there was an old guy and ms.green "hey kiddo" the guy said whose name was john "hi" i replied. After that they signed and talked after that he took me home. As soon as we got home he harshly grabbed me by my wrist and told me "listen here you little shit i brought you here for my own pleasure you will do as i say and NEVER talk back" i wanted to cry but i taught myself to control my emotions so i just nodded

For a few weeks he just made me do chores and stuff then he started to beat me for no reason Even if i opened my mouth he would take out his belt and hit me till I couldn't walk. One day he came looking relatively happy i thought i was saved for tonight but it was much more than beating. He came and said "y/n dear i am getting a feeling only a girl could satisfy" my eyes widened he wouldn't do that right? I'm his adoptive daughter he-he wouldn't he can't as i was thinking he grabbed my wrist and took me to the bedroom i tried running it didn't help he was too strong he took me and threw on the bed and started removing his clothes
"No please don't" i begged he slapped me across the face "shut up" ge shouted he came over and started removing my shirt
I tried resisting but it was no use he kept hitting me over and over. Hours later it was over i thought the nightmare ended but it just started

It's been horrible everything he abused touched me brought over his friends and made them rape me too I've had enough im running away. I packed my bags and went back to the orphanage back to where i started

I walked in "y/n you're back!" Miss.green exclaimed "what happened?" "Umm...i-it"
"Y/n you know you can tell me right?"
"So,he abused me and touched me in weird ways i was scared i ran away please don't send me back to him please" i cried and said between sobs "I won't i won't. Now go to your room and settle in" i nod did what she said soon a girl emmy ran upto me i only talk to her in the whole orphanage because she is pure and like my little sister"y/nnnn you're backk" "yeah i am" "why are you back so early?" "Couldn't leave you alone,could i? Someone has to take care of you right?" "Hey just because im 2 years younger than you doesn't mean i can't take care of myself" she pouted "whatever now go to sleep we have school tomorrow" i commanded i went to my and thought to myself 'huh again i have to see the same stupid face of mike and his stupid friends what's his problem . I swear to god i have been through enough i can't do it anymore with him whatever i have no choice'

Next morning i wake and get ready for school and walk with emmy she went on and on about her new crush "jeez aren't you like 12?" I said "Yeah i am so?" She replied i just rolled my eyes then we went our separate ways

After my first class english (boring) i went to my locker as i closed it i saw none other than mike standing there "ugh i can't deal with you today" i exhaled "you back so soon?,missed me that much"  "in your dreams" "nightmares darling" "DON'T CALL ME THAT" i huffed and got 'home' i was back in the same foster system

Next chapter i FINALLY INTRODUCE THE TRIPLETS sorry for the late

Word count-796 (no bold words)

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Eat a snack i luv youu <333

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