#14 heart to heart

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I was walking back from school today because matt was out again. I didn't mind. I actually liked walking back. It's nice

On the way back i had to pass Mike's house. It didn't bother me or anything...until now

I stopped outside his house to tie my shoes and as soon as I stopped i could hear yelling coming from his house. I know it isn't my business but i couldn't help but hear.

The screaming and yelling was muffled. But i could make out that things were being thrown. Without even realising i was spaced out listening to them. Soon the door opened and mike walked out

He was bleeding. His lip was cut his head was bleeding. And he had a black out

He walked out and yelled "FUCK YOU" someone also screamed something from the inside but i couldn't hear ot i was too focused on him

Without thinking i immediately asked him "a-are you ok? Wh-what happened?"

He-without looking- said "none of you fucking busi-what the hell are you doing here?" He cut himself off after he saw it was me

"I-i was just walking by and stopped to tie my my shoelaces and-and heard yelling i am sorry I didn't mean to overhear" i explained "it's whatever" he shrugged

He put his hand upto his lip and winced "do you need anything? I have like some wipes and stuff" i offered quietly "yeah just not hear. Let's go somewhere else"

While walking i asked him where we were going which took a lot of courage. He told me we were going to the park apparently.

I texted matt to tell him what happened


                           Matt b🩵🥫

Hey.You home yet?

No. That's what i wanted to tell you

Tell me what?

Don't be mad

Y/n/n just tell me

So when i was coming home i stopped to tie my shoes outside Mike's house

And heard yelling and stuff when mike  came outside he was all beat up and stuff

And i couldn't just let him be like that so now we're walking to the park to clean him up

What the fuck y/n!?

I told you to not see anymore

You promised

Ik but he was really hurt tho
And i promise I'll come straight home after that

Fine. But I'm not happy
And you're doing the laundry
For a week

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