A Creepy Shop

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You walk through the crowds of people in the streets of London. Being shoved around the way you were wasn't what you needed today. Your (h/l), (h/c) hair flowed as you sped through the area full of shops. You were to meet the Earl Phantomhive at a... Funeral parlor, and no matter how much the thought creeped you out, you continued your journey. With just a few seconds to spare, you successfully met up with the young Earl, Ciel Phantomhive and his trusted butler Sebastian Michaelis.

"Ah, I see you decided to show up, (y/n)," Ciel sneered. You blew raspberry at the young Earl and began walking inside the parlor. Ciel growled at your disrespectful manner and stomped behind you into the same parlor, his tall butler following closely by his master. You had known Ciel for three years now, and although you are the mischievous type, you still somewhat respect him.

As soon as everyone entered the parlor, which was filled with coffins, all the candles went out making it pitch black. You smiled at their childish manner and thought of when the next time Ciel comes to your home, you'd do the same. Your thoughts were interrupted when Ciel yelled, " (Y/N)!! Light!" You quickly lifted your right hand and produced a flame, then sent it to all of the candles. You had a special ability, giving you fire and ice powers. Fire was on the right,  and ice on the left.

There was a giggle heard from an unknown place, then a coffin opening revealing a man with long silver hair and bangs that covered his eyes. He also had a black cloak covering his body, and to top it off, he had a black hat that hung down to his waist. "Fufufufufu~ Welcome Young Lord~! Do you need to be fitted for a coffin today?"

"No! I need information, Undertaker."

"Fufufu~ Ah, I see you brought some company with you," Undertaker walked over to you, ignoring Ciel's statement, and checked out your features. You had on a (color) shirt, a (color) bow tie, a (color) vest, (color) dress pants, and a silver pocket watch hooked on a belt loop, inserted in your pocket. You smiled nervously when he stared directly in your eyes. "What's your name, young lady~?"

"(Y/n)..." you said awkwardly.

Undertaker giggled and began speaking to Ciel with his continuous grin, "I'll give you the information if you give me laughter!" His smile went ear to ear, "Give me the luxury of laughter and the information is yours!"

You stared dumbfounded, but quickly spoke up, "I can tell you something that will make you laugh!"

"(Y/n)? You know something?" Ciel gave a look of concern, but soon obliged.  "Okay, fine. We'll wait outside and we won't listen in on the joke.

You smiled mischievously out of Ciel's view, and told Undertaker an embarrassing story about said master. To your luck, he burst out laughing, and you could've sworn you heard something crash outside. When the silver haired man calmed his laughter, Ciel and Sebastian entered the parlor once more.

~~Time Skip~~

The three of you exited the funeral parlor,  heading your separate ways. You made your way home, welcomed by silence. You wandered into the kitchen and noticed a note.

"(Y/n), I am so sorry. Your father and I are unable to care for you anymore, money is low and you were too much. We love you dearly and wish for one day to cross paths, but for now, we must say farewell.

-Love, Mother and Father." 

Tears rolled down your cheeks, dashing out of the house, and onto the now empty streets. You felt rain drops on your (s/c) face and you ran into the nearest shop to keep from getting soaked. Someone tapped your shoulder and you almost screamed.  You turned around and was face to face with Undertaker. "U-Undertaker! I'm sorry  for barging in, but..." He tilted his head to the side, awaiting an answer. "But I wanted to get out of the rain... and try to find a place to stay."

He smiled brightly and suggested, "Well I don't mind if you stay here, (y/n)."

Your eyes widened, but soon smiled softly. "I think I'll take your offer."

As said, you stayed in the parlor. The longer you stayed there, however, you became more knowing of the joyful man. He would tease you on a daily basis,  but it was easy to get used to because of your amazing comebacks. You helped dress some of his 'guests' at times, and soon became a full time employee. There are some times when you feel a stirring feeling in your stomach at certain actions,  but push it aside. The rest of the time you spend here will certainly be eventful...


Hallo my beautiful people of the Earth~

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story!! I will try to update this as much as I can, so don't yell at me xD


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