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It was closing time at the shop, your (h/c) hair moved side to side as you moved swiftly to clean the eerie parlor before going to bed. You wiped the sweat off your (s/c) forehead and put the broom away. As you made your way up the wooden stairs, you saw Undertaker in the door way leading to your room.

"Undertaker! Is there anything you need?" You gave a friendly smile and stood patiently.

"Ah, nothing in particular, (y/n)," he grinned in a more mischievous manner. Undertaker took off his hat and placed it on your head. A pink blush covered your face as you had a staring contest where Undertaker's eyes should be, as if he was scanning you. He just nodded and walked off, not taking his hat back from you.

You walked into your room and put on some night clothes Undertaker supplied you with, placing the hat on the desk next to your bed. Your (e/c) eyes hid behind your eyelids as you soon fell into a deep sleep.

You opened your eyes to see your father above you, needle in hand. Checking your surroundings, you noticed you were latched to the table, and the rest of the room was pitch black. You began to panic and flailed your body, trying to free yourself from the metal latches. Your father looked over at you, his (color) eyes bored into you as he smiled maniacally. He drove the needle into your arm making you scream out in pain. Tears welled up in your (e/c) eyes, the pain was too much to bear. He drove another needle into your other arm and at this point you were sobbing and screaming for help.

"Now your perfect," he said in a low tone. Your vision became blurry, and you soon woke up, staring at a worried Undertaker.

You tried to control your breathing, but you just began sobbing again and hugged the silver haired man tightly.

"It's alright... Tell me, (y/n), what did you dream about?" His voice was much smoother and calming than usual which was strange to you. None the less, you told him what happened as he stroked your (h/l), (h/c) hair. You began to feel drowsy, and within a few moments you had fallen asleep once more in his arms.

Your (e/c) hues were slowy uncovered from behind your eyelids. The covers fell off your body as you sat up and looked over to the desk where the hat was placed. Surprisingly it was still there, so you grabbed it and placed it on your head after dressing for work. You walk down the creeky stairs into the parlor looking for Undertaker, but he didn't seem to be there. You looked in his room, the coffins, and his "guest room,"  but he didny didn't seem to be anywhere in the funeral parlor. Guessing he stepped out for a bit, you took the responsibility of opening the shop.

"I wish he would get here already... If Ciel comes I'm totally screwed," you mumbled to yourself.

Someone suddenly hugged you from behind and you could feel their breath on your neck, "I never left~" You blushed harshly when you knew who that was. You kicked Undertaker to get him off of you, feeling embarrased that you couldn't find the childish man anywhere. "Ow, (y/n). Fufufufu~"

"You don't just come up to someone and hug them all perverted like that!"

"It was worth seeing you scared though. Fufufufufu~!"

You remembered that you had his hat on and felt you should return it. "Undertaker, don't you want your hat back?"

"Not if you're the one wearing it, love," he replied with his usual grin on.

'Now he's going to use pet names?" You shook your head and walked into the supply closet to get cleaning supplies. "Erm... Aha! Got it," you said in triumph when you overcame the trouble of reaching the supplies you needed. You noticed scalpels and needles off to the side, making your (e/c) widen in fear. Your (s/c) hand began to sweat and your breathing became heavier. You understood the scalpel, but the needles made you question him. 

"Ah, you found my supplies~" You turn your head slowly to see the same stare that your father wore in your dream. He started walking towards your trembling body. You screamed out of fear, then everything went black.

"(Y/n)! (Y/N)!" Undertaker was shaking you. You jumped away from him and trembled in fear, not knowing that you just had another nightmare. "What's wrong, (y/n)?" You noticed that his smile was gone, replaced with a hurt, but worried expression.

"H-How can I trust you? Wh-What did you do to me?" Tears welled in your eyes once more, threatening to fall.

He suddenly stood up and walked over to you. You tried to fend him off, too scared to remember your powers at the moment, but failed. Undertaker grabbed you and pulled you into a tight embrace.

"Whatever happened in your dream isn't what happened in reality," he said softly, just as he did hours before. He then lifted up your head, making it able for you to see his eyes. They were green and yellow, and they seemed to glow just slightly. You nearly went into a trance just looking at them, but was brought back to reality when he...



As I said, I will try to update

Farewell my fellow Black Butlerfans~

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