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Warning!! This chapter gets dark really fast! If you're unable to hand dark topics please don't read!

This day was like any other day. You were doing your cleaning duties, though you probably didn't need to since you do it so much, and Adrian was playing dress-up with the corpses brought in. A normal day. Something you wish you had more often. Ciel doesn't come by anymore, which you're fine with. You didn't want to think about him.

A bell rung as the parlor door was open. You whip your head around to see a young woman shyly enter. "Welcome! Are you here to schedule a coffin fitting?" you said in a welcoming tone.

"Uh, yes. A-Are you the owner..?" She stared down at the floor, twiddling her thumbs nervously.

"No, but I'll go get him. Hold on for a moment."

She nodded and looked around hesitantly at the antiques. You smiled and went over to the room where Adrian was. You refused to enter. You knock a few times and he opens the door, blocking whatever was going on inside, thankfully. "What do you need, my dear?" he said in his normal, psychotic voice that you loved so much.

"A girl needs to schedule a coffin fitting with you. Now..." you lower your voice, "Don't be too weird, okay? She's incredibly shy."

He chuckled and walked into the main area, the girl looking at what might be organs in a jar. "Good day, deary. I heard you needed to schedule a coffin fitting~" he said with an eerie tone.


"Wonderful!~ Anytime is fine, madame. And there's no need to pay, I don't need the Queen's coins." He laughed, and the girl visibly shuddered.

"Alright... I'll go let my family know... H-Have a nice day..." She said, then sped out of the parlor.

You shake your head, smiling. "Poor girl, must be scared out of her mind."

"Whoops." He chuckles.

You open your mouth to make a sarcastic remark when the bell rings again, cutting you off. You and Adrian look at the door, seeing a familiar man with a piercing glare. Your heart drops at the sight of him. Your body won't stop shaking. Your thoughts won't stop racing.


Why now?

It can't be.

Please let this be a dream!

Don't take me away--

You're taken out of your panic by a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You look over to Adrian, who is glaring daggers at William. The atmosphere has tensed up, nobody able to make a move.

"Good day... I believe you both know why I'm here," he sighs, "This would have been easier for me if you two had parted ways... but now I have to do a little overtime to get this done."

"If you so much as lay a finger on my precious (Y/N), I will kill you."

Adrian looked over at you, a mix of so many emotions swirling in the colors of his eyes. "(Y/N)..." The parlor went completely quiet for a split second, but to you it felt like minutes had passed before he yelled "RUN!!"

And you did, you ran for your life, adrenaline fueling your high-speed dash through the streets of London. Everyone watched you run through with confused and somewhat disgusted looks. Their thoughts meant nothing to you in that moment. All you could think about was getting away and waiting for Adrian. You can make your scythe... But you didn't think you would be of much help.

On Adrian's side...

"I can't let her leave..!" William turned to chase after you, but only saw the swing of Adrian's scythe hit him.

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