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You, Ciel, and Sebastian were in the carriage heading to wherever they needed to go to before starting the actual case. You kept your gaze towards the window, allowing your mind to wander. The memories of your past crept into your thoughts, causing you to shake your head in an attempt to rid of them. You sighed internally and watched as the carriage slowed to a stop, the shops and crowds no longer passing you by as fast as before. Sebastian helped you out of the carriage and kept your eyes closed by covering his gloved hand over them. You waited patiently for him to remove them, but when he did you felt tears stream down your face.

"I knew she would enjoy this. Even if it was only a day, keeping two people madly in love with each other away for too long must be devastating," Ciel smirked and walked into the parlor with you and Sebastian following closely behind.

"Ehehehh~ Lord Phantomhive has come once again--"

Adrian's eyes fell on you and stopped. He quickly looked away, trying to regain himself. You saw something flash in his eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. He cleared his throat and continued his talk with Ciel. As usual, Ciel had Sebastian tell him a joke and made you both wait outside only to hear loud laughter seconds after.

You both enter the parlor to see Adrian sprawled on his desk, seemingly in a daze. He sat up after a few moments and gave them the information they needed. You didn't really pay attention to what they were saying, you were too focused on what that was you saw.

'Was that... remorse I saw? Don't tell me he's been seeing someone else...' You went into deep thought on the subject, only to be nudged by Ciel telling you that they were leaving.

As you all left, you looked back into the parlor and felt the urge to do check something later on...

It was midnight, everyone was in bed. You pulled your coat around you and went to the front door of the manor. You realize that this may b too loud, so you find the door that leads to the garden and find your way to the front of the manor.

"I have to find out what it is he's hiding..." You mumble to yourself as you make your way to London.

The ice cold air seeped through your jacket, causing you to use your powers to keep you warm. A dim, orange aura formed around you so you were at least a little warmer and so no one saw you. The walk was long, but it will be worth the effort, for some reason you felt it was necessary to do this.

"I think I'm almost there.." You whisper to yourself as you pass by the same shops you did when you came here just hours earlier.

You continued to keep yourself motivated to get to his parlor. You could see it in the distance, and picked up the pace. You walked faster and faster until you broke out into a run towards it. Your (s/c) hand fell onto the handle, pushing the door open.

What you saw...

Is what you wish you hadn't.

Adrian was there, but someone else was as well.

Grell was sitting in his lap, lips in sync with his. They pulled away quickly and looked in m direction.

"This is what I saw... huh."

"(Y/N), I can explain--"


Grell wore a smirk and mumbled just loud enough for you to hear, "Someone is jealous~"

Your eyes snapped at his direction, filled with anger. He jumped and hugged Undertaker for protection. Undertaker gave an apologetic look and tried to tell you he was sorry.

Dance With the Dead ~ Undertaker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now